Newscut Name 姓名: Leong Yoke Chee 梁玉芝
Age 年龄: 33
Condition 病情: Leong’s husband had committed suicide and left behind Leong and their three children (aged 11, 8 and 3 years old). Yayasan Nanyang Press hopes to raise funds to help solve Leong’s financial difficulties. 丈夫事业失意自杀,留下3名幼儿以及遗孀,面对着柴米油盐酱醋茶、孩子的未来以及往后的生活等压力,全往遗孀梁玉芝身上压,冀社会善心人士伸出援手让他们 经济上解困。

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
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