16 Navigators 南洋报业基金【16导航】

16 Navigators Activities

This year, Yayasan Nanyang Press is embarking on a series of fundraising activities, including charity dinners, in line with the virtues that make up the 16 Navigators (also formerly known as the 16 Confluences). On the last Sunday of every month, we visit poor families and charity organisations to spread our spirit of giving and sharing.

每个月的最后一个星期日,车队会探访贫困家庭/病者/慈善机构,除了载送日常用品和生活粮食,也会做一些小活动给左邻右舍一起参与,促进彼 此的关系。如果你也想要加入【16導航】的活動,請聯絡南洋報業基金。

Visit with Compassion Virtues of 16 Navigators Audio and Video
Introduction 介绍
Schedule 时间表
Donation Form 捐款表格
News and Events 新闻/活动
Mobile Clinic 流动诊所
How to Join 如何参加
Introduction 介绍
Ambassadors 美德大使
T-shirts 美德概念T恤
Weekly Articles 美德运动
April - June 2012 Visits
July 2012 Visits
Visitations in 2012
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Happy Family Healthy Family Carnival 康樂家年華, 26-27 March 2016

Links: Introduction 簡介 | Sponsorship 贊助商 | Join as Organising Committee or Volunteers 報名活動籌委或志工 | Message to Parents 給星兒父母的信

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"O' Sweet Days" Charity Run 慈善义跑, 27 March 2016

Links: Introduction 简介 | Registration Form 报名表格 | Sponsorship 赞助方式 | Dream House for the Hidden Stars 星儿筑梦园 | Brochure 传单 #1 | Brochure 传单 #2 | Route 路线图

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16 Navigators Caring Team 16导航关怀小组

Links: Introduction | Registration

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Sabah Ranau 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake 沙巴兰瑙大地震

Links: Introduction 简介 | Phase 1 【第一阶段】 | Phase 2 【第二阶段】 | Phase 3 【第三阶段】 | How to Donate 捐款方式 | Donor List 捐款名单 | News 新闻 #1 | News 新闻 #2 | News 新闻 #3 | Gallery 图廊: Sabah Earthquake Recovery Phase 1 沙巴地震复苏计划2015 【第一阶段】 | Gallery 图廊: Sabah Earthquake Recovery Phase 2 沙巴地震复苏计划2015 【第二阶段】

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Nepal Earthquake Relief Mission 尼泊尔大地震《千里送暖》

A 7.9 magnitude earthquake centred less than 50 miles from Kathmandu rocked Nepal with devastating force, toppling homes, temples and historic buildings and leaving at least 6,000 people dead, authorities said. We call for more funds to support us in sending more tents and blankets to the victims. Should you have any inquiries, please call 03-76508651 / 669 / 662 / 694 / 675.

在尼泊尔发生的7.9级大地震成为继1934年地震后袭击该国的最强烈地震,最少6,000人在此次地震中丧生。南洋报业基金号召筹款,希望可以尽快提供援助。任何询问,请致电: 03-76508651 / 669 / 662 / 694 / 675。

Links: Introduction 简介 | How To Donate 捐款方式 | Donor List 捐款名单

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Pernod Ricard Malaysia Bottled Hope 保乐力加马来西亚 "希望瓶安"

Links: Introduction 简介 | How to Adopt 捐献方式 | News 新闻 #1 #2 #3

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Morning Tea With Single Mothers 单亲妈妈早安茶

日期: 每月的第2个星期日
时间: 1100 – 1230
地点: 星儿筑梦园图书馆
讲师: 博爱辅导中心
报名: 03-76508651 / 669 / 662 / 694 / 675

Links: Details 简介 | Speakers 讲师 | Registration Form 报名表格

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Learning Corner For The Siblings 兄弟姐妹故事分享会

Links: Introduction 介绍 | Registration 报名

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Dream House for the Hidden Star 星儿筑梦园

《Painting Class》, 《Dancing Class》 – Direct registration
《Keyboard Class》, 《Ukulele Class》, 《Junior Robotic Class》 – Kindly wait for notification after registration.
Autistic children can come to the Dream House to practise the keyboard, play Lego, and utilise our library during Mon – Fri (1pm - 5pm) and Sun (1pm - 3pm). Must be accompanied by parents and advance notice is required.
All activities from 《Dream House For The Hidden Star》 are FREE.
Should you have any inquiries, please email nyfound@nanyang.com.my.

《星儿绘画班》, 《星儿舞蹈班》 直接报名即可。
《星儿电子琴班》, 《星儿尤克丽丽班》, 《星儿初级机械课程》 报名后需要等待通知。
星儿们可以在星期1至五 (9am - 5pm) 和星期日 (1pm - 3pm) 来到《星儿筑梦园》练琴, 练 Lego 以及使用图书馆(必须在父母陪伴之下和预前通知基金负责人)。
若有任何询问,欢迎电邮至 nyfound@nanyang.com.my

Links: Details 简介 | Painting 绘画 | Music 音乐 | Dancing 舞蹈 | Junior Robotic Class 初级机械课程 | Other Activities 其他活动

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<< Our past projects

Our Projects

Medical AidsMore than 300 patients have benefited from the Foundation's assistance. 至今已有超过300名受惠者获得基金的医药援助。 The 16 NavigatorsThe Foundation's 16 guidance are tools that could practically and directly improve one's way of life. 十六导航所提倡的十六美德提升我们的生活方式。
Single MothersSingle Mothers is an organization that strives to protect and help single mothers out there. 提供心灵课程给受创的单亲妈妈。 Dialysis CentresFour dialysis centres have been set up by the Foundation to cater for the low income. 基金已成立四间洗肾中心帮助低收入的病患。
Natural DisastersThe Foundation provides support during natural disasters like tsunami and earthquakes. 为洪灾、海啸、地震等等天灾提供支援。 CounsellingThe Foundation helps provide counselling support to create a healthy society. 有健康的心灵才能建造健康的社会。
The Blind ProjectThe Foundation organises Chinese Braille courses and other activities for the blind. 基金实行中文盲文学习课程以及其他慈善活动。 Support the NGOsThe Foundation sponsors NGOs to help them serve their communities. 基金赞助非政府组织以让他们做到更好的社区服务。
People with AutismThe Foundation organises activities for people, particularly children, living with autism. 基金为自闭孩童与成人举办各种课程与活动。