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Partners 合作伙伴Nanyang Siang Pau 南洋商报
Nanyang Siang Pau was launched in 1923. It is the oldest Chinese daily in Malaysia. It is also one of the largest Chinese daily which ranks fourth in terms of circulation and readership in Peninsular Malaysia. 南洋商报成立于1923年,是马来西亚历史最悠久的中文报业,在半岛区域读者群及日报发行量排名第四的中文报纸。 Subscription details 订阅报纸 Should you have any comments to Nanyang Siang Pau, please do not hesitate to raise it to us at feedback@nanyang.com.my. 读者意见 China Press 中国报
China Press, a Malaysian Chinese language newspaper, which was founded in 1946, is now the second highest national circulation Chinese newspaper in Malaysia. Besides, it is the most popular evening newspaper in this country and also one of the few authorized Chinese newspaper in Singapore. 中国报成立于1946年,现为全国发行量第二高中文报章,是国内最畅销的晚报,也 China Press Charity Home 慈爱人间Being one of the leading Chinese newspapers in this country, China Press has been actively participating in any charitable events. The late Director had called for a donation in 1990 and managed to raise a sum of RM100,000 in order to establish its very own charity foundation to serve those less fortunate ones more effectively. 有感于在新聞處理上常遇到人間太多苦難的事,作為媒體華文報章不能坐視不理,因此在已故社長周瑞標的號召下,一批善士于1990年集合了10萬令 吉,設立《中國報》“慈愛人間義款部“,希望能夠通過大眾的助力,“滴水成河,匯為巨流“,以幫助社會各階層不幸人士。 Subscription details 订阅报纸 Life Magazines