Newscut Name 姓名: Chong Yoon Kiew 庄润球
Age 年龄: 51
Condition 病情: Computer clerk suffers from lung cancer in the third phase. A family of five loses their breadwinner. 电脑文员患肺癌第三期 一家五口失去经济支柱

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Article: NTV7
Article: 8TV

Updates 29/4/2019

A 51-year-old computer clerk in Selangor was the economic pillar of his family of five. He was recently diagnosed with the third stage of lung cancer and was forced to stop working. If he does not take chemotherapy, his life span would be only 18 months. On top of that, his youngest son is also suffering from blood cancer, making their family’s life worse. In order to survive, the father wishes to raise RM300,000 medical aid from the public, hoping to tide over the difficulties and avoid the burden of providing for family falling on the 20-year-old son who had dropped out of school to work.


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Newscut Name 姓名: Mason Lee Yung Er 李滽和
Age 年龄: 4
Condition 病情: Krabbe氏症(球細胞腦白質失養症)

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Article: China Press
Article: NTV7
Article: 8TV

Updates 31/1/2019

Update from Mason’s mum on 31/1/2019 (欲阅中文请滑吓) :-

Hello all… how has everyone been doing? Hope you are all doing great.

I have some updates on Mason. Mason has been discharged from the hospital! Yaaay!! He is now being monitored twice or 3 times weekly (or whenever Mason is not well) as an outpatient at the BMT clinics. During these clinic visits, Mason will have his blood works done and all infusions required. Out of the 2 central lines that Mason had, 1 had been removed. All medications and feeds given at ‘home’ now are through his feeding tube.

Newscut Name 姓名: Wong Weng Keong 黄荣强
Age 年龄: 50
Condition 病情: 车祸导致双脚断,坐轮椅

Update 12/09/2018

Fifty-year-old Wong Weng Keong had a car accident that injured his left leg and he lost his working ability.

The car accident that occurred 26 years ago broke his right leg and led to memory loss and long-term insomnia. His leg recovered after physiotherapy for one year.

Unfortunately, he had a traffic accident again on 03/04/2018, his left leg was broken and he lost his working ability.

Newscut Name 姓名: Leong Fong Peng 梁沣频
Age 年龄: 54
Condition 病情: Liver failure, liver transplant needed. 肝硬化,急需肝脏移植

Updates 13/9/2018

Initially the doctor planned to remove the gallstones from Mdm. Liang Fong Peng with scope yesterday. However, they found out that her bile duct was inflamed and had a blood clot. The risk will be too high to proceed as the initial plan, they decided to postpone the extraction of gallstones until her condition is improved. “I think my mother must be very painful now, but there are several “tubes” inserted to her body through her nose and mouth. So there is no way for her to speak. I really feel heartache when I see tears flowing out of her closed eyelids! I am afraid that she might mentally give up due to the unbearable discomfort and pain. I am grateful to Jerome Chin for willing to take time to visit my mum although he had been discharged. Even the medical staff was able to tell that my mom’s mood had improved significantly whenever Jerome Chin visited her,” said Krystal. It is gratifying to know that the liver which transplanted from Jerome Chin is functioning stable in Mdm Leong’s body. Today, her fever has decreased, the blood clot has gradually reduced, and her bilirubin level is dropping. The doctor will remove the gallstones when the blood clot is completely eliminated. On the other hand, Jerome Chin is recoverying well so far. The current hospital bills had went beyond the SGD160k (approx. RM500,000) deposit that Yayasan had transferred to the hospital on 5th Sep 2018. We were requested to pay for the overdue SGD 47,000 (approx. RM 150,000) soonest. This means the total medical expenses up to date is already approx. RM650,000. The bills will continue to go up every day as Mdm Leong is still receiving treatments in ICU. However, as at 13th Sept 2018, Yayasan Nanyang Press only collected total of RM440,000 donation for Leong’s medical aid. Hence, more fund is urgently needed. Please support the fundraising to help Leong by sharing this news with your friends and family to call for more donation. Thank you very much!

原本医生预计昨天(12/9/2018)为梁沣频抽出胆结石,但无奈发现她的胆管发炎且有血块 ,如果在这个时候进行scope 以抽出胆结石风险过高,所以暂时延迟了。由于胆管发炎,医生又得在她的身上添插一个管让胆汁流出,及另一个管让血块从鼻子流出来。 “我觉得妈妈现在一定很痛苦,但她的吼也插了管,所以没有办法言语。当看见眼泪从她闭着的眼皮间流出时,我真的好心疼!更深怕她会因为过于难受而失去向病魔战斗的意志。非常感谢泽融出院后还不时抽出时间到医院为妈妈打气。每当择融躺望妈妈后,连医疗人员都能看出妈妈的心情明显改善。”-紫晶(梁沣频的女儿) 值得欣慰的是医药报告显示新移植的肝(来自泽融的捐献)在梁沣频的体内还算稳定。今天她的高烧退了,血块逐渐消了,胆指数也开始降了。等血块完全消后医生才能为她抽出胆结石。而梁沣频的捐肝者泽融自出院后目前还在新加坡修养,复原程度乐观。 另外让人感觉非常压力的是那昂贵的医药费!院方从昨天开始不断提醒我们梁沣频目前的医药费已超越南洋报业基金于2018年9月5日付医院的16万新元(约500,000令吉)手术抵押金。院方积极邀求基金尽快付还新币47,000(约150,000令吉)的治疗费余额。这意味着目前梁沣频的总医疗费已经高达约650,000令吉。 由于梁沣频仍然在ICU接受治疗,相信治疗费还是会陆续增加。 然而,截至今天(13/9/2018),南洋报业基金只筹获440,000令吉的善款。因此迫切需要更多基金。请帮助我们与您的朋友和家人分享此新闻,以支持筹款。感恩。

Updates 10/9/2018

Mdm. Leong Fong Peng started fever since yesterday. Her bilirubin level increased . After the CT scan and Ultrasound, the medical team found gallstone at her hepatobiliary. It has to be removed to avoid obstruction. May Mdm. Leong has a speedy recovery. Good news is Jerome Chin (Mdm. Leong’s liver donor) has been discharged today! Pray for his quick recovery too!

Newscut Name 姓名: Nurul Jalwa Binti Nor Fazizal
Age 年龄: 5 months old / 5个月
Condition 病情: Biliary atresia 胆道闭锁

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau

Update 4/11/2018

After undergoing the liver transplant operation that took nearly 24 hours, Baby Jalwa is now having treatment in ICU and closely monitored by the medical team. According to her mother, she is getting healthier, her skin and eyeballs no longer look yellowish, and no sign of rejection.

Let’s support Baby Jalwa as much as we can base on individual’s ability and capability so that she is able to overcome the challenges between this crucial period until she is discharged. We appreciate all kinds of support included donation, share this post with your friends and family, dedicate prayers for her speedy recovery, as well as moral support to her family.


Newscut Name 姓名: Muhammad Haryk Muzeer Bin Zulkarnain 莫哈末哈益慕兹尔
Age 年龄: 2
Condition 病情: 阿拉吉欧症候群 Alagille’s Syndrome

Updates 24/8/2018

Muzeer将在今天(24/08/2018)进行肝移植手术,她的母亲是肝脏捐赠者,祈求手术一切顺利,早日康复。 Muzeer will have his liver transplantation surgery today (24/08/2018)His mother will be the liver donor. Together, we pray for a smooth transplant and for both of them.

Updates 10/8/2018


不幸患上阿拉吉欧症候群的2岁小童Muzeer需 RM160,000到印度进行肝脏移植手术。但目前只筹到RM 31,632。由于状况紧急,南洋报业基金已呈交保证信于Max Super Speciality Hospital让Muzeer先进行初步检查。

Newscut Name 姓名: Ee Soon Wei 余孙伟
Age 年龄: 30
Condition 病情: 胆道闭锁,急需肝脏移植手术

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Article: China Press



Updates 6/12/2018

8th Nov Liver transplant surgery day
9th Nov 2nd major surgery was done to stop internal haemorrhage.
28th Nov 3rd surgery was to clean the wound and remove unhealthy skin tissues as my brother is having jialat wound infection.

Newscut Name 姓名: Wong Ai Ching 黄爱君
Age 年龄: 31
Condition 病情: 抗体免疫缺陷

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau

黄爱君3年前开始逐渐消瘦,之后证实患上抗体免疫缺陷(LOCID) ,难以吸收营养以导致体重下降,并引发肝脏发炎,继续70万令吉赴新加坡医治。

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Newscut Name 姓名: Lau Way Chong 刘伟忠
Age 年龄: 48
Condition 病情: 淋巴癌

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau


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Newscut Name 姓名: Tan Jia Xuan 陳家铨
Age 年龄: 8

陳家铨 (Tan Jia Xuan) 8岁,就读蕉賴十一哩华文小学

Alex Lee: 2岁时已经患上血癌在HUKM国大治疗到痊愈,很不幸八岁就是在上个月孩子被检验出癌细胞到回来还是很活跃,国大医生告诉妈妈其实他们无法医治孩子了,过后其中一位医生建议他们把孩子送入SJMC找林海平教授。这忽然来到的消息,让他的父母措手不及,根本没有时间变卖财产还有向亲戚朋友借到那么多钱,因为只是第二次癌细胞回来很危险,也需要很多钱医治,昨天医生告诉我估计的费用大概是600k到900k



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