Name 姓名: Vernon Kua Shun Zhe 柯舜喆
Age 年龄: 15 Condition 病情: Cerebral hemorrhage caused by an accident on his way to school. He needs to do a skull operation and is now being observed in ICU. He needs RM100,000 for medical and hospitalisation purposes. 因上学途中遇车祸导致脑部积血,必须进行安装头骨手术,目前仍在加护病房观察;急需10万令吉以负担医药费用。 Links: – Donor List |
Updates 18/12/2018
南洋报业基金于2014年开始为柯舜喆筹款,总共凑得RM 144,821.12。 陆续帮他付医药费和单亲妈妈生活费直到2018年已经用了RM157,921.12。在此宣布停止筹款,所凑余额将捐助30岁的肝脏移植手术病者余孙伟。
- 9 February 2019, 15:18
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