Name 姓名: Yong Zhi Xin 翁芷歆
Age 年龄: 17 Condition 病情: Spinal cord tumor. 脊髓瘤 Links: – Donor List |
Note updated 6 March 2014:
Patient Yong Zhi Xin passed away on 5 December 2013 in Taiwan where she was receiving treatment. Total donations received as at 6 March 2014 was RM9,306. After discussing with Yong’s family, Yayasan Nanyang Press will transfer RM2,000 to patient Teh Qi Qiang and RM7,306 to patient Lee Pooi Yee. Donation for this case is now closed, thank you.
正值花样年华乐观好动的年轻少女翁芷歆,于2012年末患上背膝瘤后历经1年的于病魔抗争后,最终不敌死神的召唤于2013年12月5日离世。虽然一年来都努力的为自己的健康奋斗也得到各方善者的给予的协助,芷歆最后在台湾接受治疗过程中离开了,离开了他最爱的家人,也离 开了这带给他病痛的尘世。芷歆生前透过南洋报业基金筹募医疗费用截至6/3共筹得RM9,306. 经基金同仁联络其家人后,芷歆家人决定将这笔捐给的芷歆的善款转捐给郑启强 (RM2,000) 与李佩仪 (RM7,306),以让这善心继续传承。南洋报业基金也将终止为芷歆筹款,感 谢各界给予芷歆的协助,谢谢。
- 7 March 2014, 21:49
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