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E. Excel is organizing a dinner in aid of Yayasan Nanyang Press, which supports the disadvantaged. E. Excellers, you are invited to come together to show your love and care!

Sponsored by E. Excel

  • E. Excel will bear the cost of the dinner venue, lights, stage, equipment and all other logistical costs.
  • For every performance by E. Excellers, E. Excel will donate RM10,000 to charitable organizations.
  • Each guest will receive a token of appreciation at the dinner.

Sponsored by E. Excellers

For every ticket purchased at RM250, RM100 will go towards covering the cost of food, and RM100 will be donated on your behalf by E. Excel in aid of the disadvantaged.

E. Excel sincerely thanks all E. Excellers who will be participating and performing, and the International Working Committee for its help in organizing this dinner. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. Let us come together to give back to society!

There will be no fundraising at the dinner. E. Excellers who wish to make additional donations can contact the respective charitable organizations.

Community Projects

Rebuilding Homes – Help Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise funds for the less fortunate and aid them in rebuilding their homes so that they can be sheltered against the elements.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation – Help Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise funds for spinal cord injury patients and aid them in rehabilitation so that they can regain their self-esteem and basic life skills.


Date: 15 September 2013 (Sunday)
Time: 7:00pm–10:00pm (Admission: 6.00 pm)
Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Persiaran Lagoon, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya 46150, Malaysia.
Ticket Price: Individual seat RM250 (inclusive of dinner, in tables of 10 persons)
Please enquire at the Customer Service Counters for details.
Attire: Ladies – Cocktail Dress; Gentlemen – Formal / Suit
Organizer: E. Excel International
Beneficiary: Yayasan Nanyang Press

Making the World a Better Place with E. Excel

Support for Yayasan Nanyang Press · In Aid of the Disadvantaged

In fast-developing Malaysia, there are still many disadvantaged people who are being sidelined. Newspaper headlines tell us that people who need help can be found everywhere. Your participation can change their lives!

Yayasan Nanyang Press supports programs to help the disadvantaged.

E. Excel International invites you to come on board to contribute to these programs.

Yayasan Nanyang Press has been actively reaching out to help the less fortunate since its establishment in 1999. With a vision to bring the best positive aid to the needy, the foundation has been launching programs such as those for positive mindset transformation and effective counselling for orphans, old folk, single mothers, disabled persons and other less fortunate. With the cooperation and support of non-governmental organizations, it has also organized various activities such as a conference on counselling and fundraising events. Yayasan Nanyang Press hopes to build a healthy and caring society through its various aid programs.

Rebuilding Homes – Help Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise funds for the less fortunate and aid them in rebuilding their homes so that they can be sheltered against the elements.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation – Help Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise funds for spinal cord injury patients and aid them in rehabilitation so that they can regain their self-esteem and basic life skills.

E. Excellers have always been generous. Together with Yayasan Nanyang Press, let us lend a helping hand to the less fortunate so that they can lead happier lives!

Thank you for joining us in bringing warmth to society!

Organizer: E. Excel International | Beneficiary: Yayasan Nanyang Press

丞燕与您一起…… 丞心传爱让世界更美

丞燕举办“丞心传爱 让世界更美”慈善晚宴,资助长期关怀弱势群体的“南 洋报业基金”,邀请您一齐来集聚爱心。


  • 慈善晚宴之场地、灯光、舞台、器材等所有软硬体设备之费用由丞燕全数支出。
  • 晚宴当日伙伴每提供一场义演节目,丞燕即捐赠一万零吉予慈善团体。
  • 晚宴当日每位参与来宾将获赠“爱心感谢礼” 一份。


伙伴每购买一张250零 吉的晚宴门票,扣除餐费150零 吉/张,丞燕即为您捐出100零 吉之善款,以实质关怀资助弱势群体。

丞燕感谢所有出席伙伴的共襄盛举,感谢晚宴当日热情义演的伙伴,亦感谢IWC国 际工作委员对晚宴的尽心筹办。感谢您的爱心!让我们一起为弱势群体尽一份力。

晚宴当日现场无安排捐款箱或义 卖活动,伙伴若欲额外捐助,可直接与公益团体联系。


重建家园计划 – 与南洋报业基金合作,为不幸的 人们筹募义款并协助他们重建家园,让他们享有遮风避雨的安身之处。

脊髓损伤培训计划 – 与南 洋报业基金合作,为脊髓损伤的患者筹款并协助他们进行培训,让他们可以具备正常的自我观及基本生活的自理能力。


时间: 2013年9月16日(日) 7.00pm- 10.00pm
地点: Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Persiaran Lagoon, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya 46150, Malaysia
票价: 250零吉 (含餐点,每桌10位)
主办单位: 丞燕国际机构
受赠单位: 南洋报业基金

丞心传爱 让世界更美
马来西亚处在快速发展当 中,仍然有许多人们是长期处于劣势而被边缘化的;打开社会新闻版面,我们可以看到到处都是极需帮助的人们。如今您的爱心参与可以改变 他们的命运!
南洋报业基金长期推动各项 弱势群体关怀救助计划,
丞燕国际邀请您一同加入资 助行列。

南洋报业基金自1999年成立以来,一直努力扩大服务和帮助不幸人士。在“提供最佳援助给予不幸人士”为愿景下,该基金实施全新 系列的计划,如强调正面思维与精神层面的调适,有效的辅导课程来帮助孤儿,老人,单亲 妈妈,残障人士和不幸者。同时在非政府组织所提供的专业配合和支持下,也成功地举办了各系列的活动如辅导研讨会和慈善筹款等。南洋报 业基金希望通过各种援救和各种辅助,来建立一个健康温馨的社会。

重建家园计划 – 与南洋报业基金合作,为不幸的 人们筹募义款并协助他们重建家园,让他们享有遮风避雨的安身之处。

脊髓损伤培训计划 – 与南 洋报业基金合作,为脊髓损伤的患者筹款并协助他们进行培训,让他们可以具备正常的自我观及基本生活的自理能力。

丞燕人的爱从不吝 于分享,藉由与南洋报业基金共同资助不幸人士,一起伸出扶持的手 ,让这社会需要助帮助的人们也可以追求幸福快乐的人生!


主办单位: 丞燕国际机构 | 受赠单位:南洋报业基金