The 8th Visitation by 16 Navigators Volunteer Team 南洋报业基金第八场【16导航温馨探访活动】
Posted under events · 16-navigators日期 / Date of visitation: 25/11/12 (Sun/星期日)
受惠者 / Beneficiary: 梁德兴
年龄 / Age: 60
受惠者地址 / Address of Beneficiary: Seremban
梁德兴(60岁) 是一 名独 居老 人,与两只小猫同住在一个破烂的板屋。在他20岁前后的时候做过各种杂工,当时也有个女朋友,不过 自从跟女朋友分手后,大受打击而患上精神问题。失恋的痛苦一直缠绕着梁德兴,他每天拾 荒而 养活 自 己。
南洋报业基金于本 月5 日到 芙蓉 去探访梁德兴,当同事们一开门进去,发现屋内都摆满了神像神座,当中还有猫王和玛丽莲·梦露的大头 照,梁德兴称说他们是他的大神,因此非常敬拜这两位人物。由于梁德兴患有轻微的精神问 题, 所以 不记 得自己的家人,甚至对自己的身份错乱不清。据梁德兴的三哥-梁德贵说,他们一共有十四个兄弟姐妹, 其中九个是女的、另外五个是男的,梁德兴排行第十二。他们的学历都只念到小学(包括梁德 兴在 内),只 有两位妹妹就读到中五。梁德兴的兄弟姐妹之前只是打工一族,经济状况都不是很好,如今他们已经退休 或年老,有些已经去世了,有些已经组织自己的家庭,各自拥有各自的生活,鲜少联络。
虽然梁德兴的年事 已高 以及 有轻 微的精神问题,不过他还是很健壮,也可以自力更生。每天早上,他推着手推车到路边开档,卖别人捐给 他的旧衣服或自己捡回来的废物品,这些是他的收入来源。梁德兴非常节俭,一个月的电费 只有 RM1.50,也无须再缴付屋租,因此生活还过得去。唯一最需要帮助的就是他目前居住的板 屋,屋内 堆满垃圾,破烂不堪,而且屋顶也多处严重破洞,尤其现在又是雨季旺盛的时候,破屋必定到处漏 水。厨 房也非常杂乱,厨房用具和周围环境都很肮脏,而且还发现有个蛇洞。平时梁德兴都自己烧材煮饭。
据梁德兴的隔壁邻 居— 梁瑞 芳 说,他的家真的非常破烂,给人随时会倒塌的感觉,墙壁也有很多破洞,梁德兴都是用别人不要的木门钉 上去来补洞的,加上最近又发生过火灾,所幸屋子因为长期漏水而保持潮湿,才没有带来太 大的 摧 毁。因 此,居民们一直以来都有在寻找相关机构帮助他,只是梁德兴的固执脾性,拒绝屋子重建,因此相关机构 也没有下文了。梁瑞芳说非常感谢南洋报业基金这一次的帮助,让梁德兴可以在一个完好的 屋檐 下生 活。 她更形容说,梁德兴其实不是疯,只是有心理障碍,每天担心别人会夺走他的屋子。他也很勤劳,每天推 着手推车去开档就为了赚取生活费,如果卖不出的话,下午时候就会骑着脚踏车去郊外拾废 物 品。直 到梁 瑞芳最近发现他都步行出门,才听说他的脚踏车已经坏了,不过他依然坚持步行去拾废物品,让她颇为感 动。一个老人家要每天步行去拾废物品是件非常辛苦的事,所以如果有热心大众愿意捐赠一 台脚 踏车 给梁 德兴,欢迎联络南洋报业基金。
梁瑞芳也提到,有 一次 梁德 兴终 于存到四五百令吉,就用来购买一堆砖块,为的是要修补自己的屋子。梁瑞芳便对他说,只有砖块没有其 他材料的话是无法建好屋子的,更何况他所买的砖块数量,根本就不足够去筑建一个房间。 梁德 兴说 非常 了解自己的屋子已经无法再支撑多久,但这是他唯一可以努力的事情,就是慢慢存钱,一存到小部分的钱 就买可以支付的材料,希望以这样的方式购买完所需的材料,为自己盖一间没有破洞的屋 子。

南洋报业基金希望 可以 给他 提供 一个健康的生活环境,因此第八场的【16导航】温馨探访将于11月25日(星期日)早上九点半,联 同中国报5心车队、ASTRO 本地圈、牛头牌特工队、博爱辅导中心、嘉玉贸易有限公司、宝贝阅读乐园、JULIE’S、SUPER,各赞助商、美德大使—庄靖毅以及【16导 航】的 志工 们, 启航到芙蓉为梁德兴修补屋子、美化家园以及派送日常用品,同时南洋报业基金也很感恩这次大部分的重 建工程有热心人士—陈先生的赞助。
除此之外,【16 导 航】义 工们 以及博爱老师在当天将会邀请近邻参与户外的心灵游戏,拉近彼此的关系。户外场地也设有许多摊位,包 括:南洋报业基金【16导航】流动诊所,由Sis Kathy Ong(总统筹)和Dr Jyothi Prasad(医疗统筹)带领的二十四位志工所组成的爱心服务。这些义工都来自不同的背景如工程师、教师、会计师、银行员、销售人员、自兼人士、IT顾问 以及税务顾问,他们已参与过各种慈善活动,对于本地和海外的志愿医疗外展活动备有丰富 的经 验。 南洋 报业基金【16导航】的流动诊所将会免费为弱势群体提供医疗服务:测量身体质量指数、血压测量、血 糖水平测试、专业医生提供的医疗咨询和治疗、中药处方、为儿童驱虫、鉴定与协助非明显 的紧 急情 况、 与医疗相关的社会支持和案件管理、转介到医院或其他医疗资源和社会资源、健康和卫生的咨询、预防疾 病的建议、爱滋病病毒抗体测试、清洁和包扎伤口、以及护理病者的家庭。另外也有《都会 佳 人》的 “粉 红发丝行动”摊位,任何有意捐赠秀发者(男女不拘)可以到现场给发型师剪头发,所有筹募到的真发将 会制作成假发,转赠给乳癌相关协会,为有经济困难的乳癌患者提供免费假发。其他的还有 来自 《美 都妇 产科专科医院》设立的免费身体扫描摊位、Ajinomoto蘑菇汤、嘉玉贸易有限公司现场派送蛋 卷、牛头牌的赠饮果汁等等。
南洋报业基金呼吁 各界 善心 人士 加入【16导航】温馨探访活动,有意要成为【16导航】赞助商、合作伙伴或志愿者的朋友,请致电到 南洋报业基金(03-76508651/694/675 /669),或电邮至。若您无法出席【16导航】温馨探访活动,也可以乐捐的方式支持此活动。请将您的善款 汇至 YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6),然后再把汇款和个人资料传真到03-76508627。更多详情请游览南洋报业基金网站。

真诚美德大使—庄靖毅将出席南洋报业基 金 【16 导航 温馨探访】第八站,和志愿者们一同为梁老伯油漆、与村民们分享如何以真诚来面对人生的挑战。
Date of Visitation: 06/11/12
Beneficiary: 梁德兴
Address: Seremban
Age: 60
Liang is a 60-year-old elderly man who lives alone with two kittens in a broken-down house. It was a devastating blow for Liang when he broke up with his girlfriend at the age of twenty, causing him to suffer from minor mental illness. For years Liang has been haunted by the pain of love and he merely survives by picking odds and ends from refuse heaps.
Yayasan Nanyang Press had paid a visit to Liang on 5 November 2012. The group discovered that the house was filled with statues of God, as soon as they stepped into the house. There were even large portraits of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. Liang claimed that these two famous artists are his God and he worships them. As a result of suffering from minor mental illness, Liang could not remember his family members and is uncertain to his identity. Liang’s third brother explained that there were a total of fourteen siblings in the family; out of the fourteen there are nine sisters and five brothers. Liang is the twelfth son in his family. Unfortunately, only two sisters of Liang had the opportunity to further their studies up to secondary school whilst Liang and his other siblings were only educated up to elementary level. Presently, some of Liang’s siblings have retired or passed away and the remaining ones live with their families and hardly keep in touch with Liang.
Although Liang is an elderly man with slight mental illness, he is able to live on his own efforts. Every morning, Liang would load a cart with goods that have been donated to him, and garbage to sell at the roadside; this has become the main source of income for Liang. Liang does not spend much and in fact, his electricity bill costs only RM1.50 per month. Liang does not need to pay for any rent and he manages to survive with such low expenses. The major problem faced by Liang now is his dilapidated house. The wooden house is filled with garbage, is in a dilapidated condition, and the rooftop is covered with holes that cause rainwater to pour down from above. This leaking situation gets worse during rainy seasons. Even more detrimental is Liang’s kitchen, which is a big mess and the kitchen utensils are very dirty. There is even a snake hole in the kitchen. However, Liang cooks his own meals daily.
According to Liang’s neighbour, Rui Fang, Liang’s house is in a really bad condition and the house is on the verge of collapsing anytime soon. There are many cracks and holes on the walls. Liang has tried to fix those holes and cracks with unwanted wooden doors found from the neighbourhood. Yet the condition of the house is getting worse when the neighbourhood was recently caught in a fire. As water keeps leaking from the rooftop, Liang’s house is damp and that fire did not manage to burn down Liang’s dilapidated house. Rui Fang has been looking for any relevant associations to assist Liang but Liang’s stubbornness has turned down many associations. Rui Fang explained that Liang does not wish to reconstruct his house as he is afraid that someone would take his house away. Rui Fang is very thankful that Yayasan Nanyang Press is willing to provide Liang with a decent house to live in. Rui Fang continued that Liang is not mad but he has psychology barriers. He is a hardworking person and every day he would load his cart and sell his goods by the roadside. If on any particular day there is little proceeds, Liang would ride on his bicycle looking for any waste materials or usable garbage. Rui Fang recently discovered that Liang has been walking around to pick waste items as his old bicycle was broken down. Rui Fang was touched that Liang insisted to walk around and it is very difficult for an elderly man to walk around collecting garbage. Yayasan Nanyang Press wishes for generous readers to donate a bicycle for Liang, and donors are welcome to call Yayasan Nanyang Press for more donation details.
Rui Fang narrated that there was once when Liang managed to save approximately RM400 and Liang had used that money to purchase bricks for repairing his house. Rui Fang advised Liang that those bricks were insufficient to repair his house and other materials were needed too. Liang understood that the condition of his house and those bricks were definitely insufficient. He insisted to save his money little by little and soon he would be able to purchase more building materials to reconstruct his house.
Yaysan Nanyang Press wishes to create a clean and healthy environment for Liang. Thus, the 8th Visitation of the [16 Navigators] will be held at 9:30 am on 25 November 2012 (Sunday), in collaboration with China Press “5 Hearts”, ASTRO, Buffalo, Agape Counselling Centre, Jasper Promenade, BaoBei Reading Wonderland, JULIE’S, SUPER, and many other sponsors. Not to forget one of the ambassadors of [16 Navigators], Jym Chong (Honesty Ambassador), would join the group to visit Liang at Seremban. The group will be responsible for repairing and cleaning Liang’s house as well as giving him daily necessities. Yayasan Nanyang Press would like to thank to Mr Tan for his kindness and generosity in donating a large amount of building materials for the benefit of Liang.
Moreover, [16 Navigators] and counsellors from Agape Counselling Malaysia would organise various activities for the neighbourhood so as to enhance the relationships between them. There will be different stalls set up in the neighbourhood such as the [16 Navigators Mobile Clinic] led by Sis Kathy Ong (Overall Coordinator) and Dr Jyothi Prasad (Dr Jyo) (Medical Coordinator) together with a team of 24 volunteers. This team is made up of volunteers from different backgrounds such as engineers, teachers, accountants, bankers, sales persons, the self-employed, and IT and financial consultants. The free mobile clinic is ready to provide the following services:
- Body mass index (BMI) measurement
- Blood pressure measurement
- Blood sugar level test
- Medical consultation and treatment by qualified medical doctors
- Medicine prescription
- De-worming children
- Identify and assist non-apparent emergency cases
- Medical-related social support and case management
- Referrals to hospitals or other medical and social resources
- Counselling on health and hygiene
- Advice on disease prevention
- HIV test (optional)
- Cleansing and dressing of wounds
- Home care for the sick.
Additionally, City Bella will be setting up a booth for its Pink Hair Campaign. For those who are interested to donate his/her hair, please visit their booth and professional hairstylists will be ready there. Those hairs will be made into wigs and donated to any relevant breast cancer associations that provide free wigs for patients with financial difficulties. There are many freebies waiting to be claimed too such as free Hospital Metro Maternity Body Scanning, Ajinomoto Mushroom Soup, Jasper Promenade Egg Rolls and BUFFALO complimentary drinks.
Yayasan Nanyang Press would like to encourage participation from the general public to join the [16 Navigators Visitation] as it is a meaningful charitable event. If you are interested to be a volunteer, sponsor or partner of [16 Navigators], please do not hesitate to contact Yayasan Nanyang Press via phone (03-76508651/694/675/669) or e-mail ( If you are unable to attend the event, but would still like to support this event, you are welcome to make a financial contribution. Cheques can be made payable to YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6), after which you are requested to fax (03-76508627) or email the bank-in slip to YNP.
For more information, please visit Yayasan Nanyang Press’ official website at
- 9 October 2015, 20:29
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