The 7th Visitation by 16 Navigators Volunteer Team 南洋报业基金第七场【16导航温馨探访活动】
Posted under events · 16-navigators【16导航温馨探访】日期 / Date of visitation: 28/10/12 (Sun/星期日)
受惠者 / Beneficiary: 蔡广福
地址 / Venue: Port Klang
年龄 / Age: 69
蔡广福(69岁)自从他的脚 被石 头压伤后就无法再工作,太太(62岁)目前以洗碗 维生,两个礼拜只 休息 一天,一天只能赚 取RM22,一个月约RM650,这微薄的收 入却 是家里唯一的经济支柱,生活过得非 常贫 困。
两夫妇育有 三个 儿子,由于他们的 学历 都只唸到初中三,所以无法找 到比 较好的工作。大儿子—蔡美恒(36岁)之前是一名 游戏 机场所的看顾员,工作的地方 常有 警察出没,加上自己又 不幸 患上高血压和心脏病,在两年前就 被迫 离职了,直到现在都 没有 工作。二儿子—蔡美强(34岁)目前的情况 更令 人耳不忍闻,他于六年前 开始 工作的第一天就遇事不利,有印族流氓 到工 作的地方收取保护费,听说他们在 拉拉 扯扯的情况下冲动闯祸,蔡美强拿起 铁槌 往流氓的头部敲下去,流氓被送进 医院 的一个星期后就去世了。其老板立即 报案,指控蔡美强 就是 那个杀人凶手。一开始蔡美 强逃 亡和躲避警察的追捕,不过之后还 是决 定自首。从此之后就 在监 狱里等待发落,一等就等了 六年,今年终于被 判了 残酷的死刑。邻居们对他 的遭 遇深感怜悯,所以联合发 起了 筹款活动,作为蔡美强 案件 上诉的律师费用,现在还不知 道是 否上诉成功。三儿子—蔡美祥(31岁)步大哥的后 尘,现在在游戏 场所 当个看顾员,收入不稳定。
南洋报业基 金同 事于本月十六日去探访蔡广福,发现他家里 的厕 所门和墙壁已经严重破烂,邻居们也纷 纷恳 求基金帮忙重建一个完善的厕所。除此之外,厨房没有煤 气炉,平时他们都 是烧 材来煮饭的。基金同事也 发现 蔡广福的家里还有一间上锁的窄 小木仓,貌似储存杂 货而 用的。当蔡广福打 开门 后,同事们惊讶 地看 见里面有个人双膝跪在破烂的草 席上,头发稀疏,没有上衣,静静地抬起 头来 目不转睛地看着门外的一群人,那个人原来 是他 的弟弟—蔡锦添(48岁)。
小木仓里没 有窗 户、灯、风扇、床褥;只有草席和 如厕 的小桶,当时的画面 是毛 骨悚然的。在同事们的 追问 下,蔡广福才解 释,弟弟在十三 岁那 年,因为顽皮而 用塑 胶圈弹射印度庙里神像的眼睛,一日之间就 变成 了疯子。蔡广福也曾 经去 庙里求神拜问,他被告知弟 弟因 为惹怒了神明,所以神明要 惩罚 他,让他当一辈 子的 疯子。蔡锦添就这 样被 关了三十五年,几乎没有机 会从 木仓里走出来过。
蔡广福家里 的地 板都被白蚁蛀蚀腐烂,他希望南洋 报业 基金可以为他更换成洋灰地,好让一家人 可以 舒服地在家行走。由于家中还 有很 多房间,基金建议他 把其 中一间留给蔡锦添,重建后可以 装上 两道门,一扇是铁花 门;另一扇是板 门,在白天的时 候可 以打开让房间透透风,也让阳光照 进来。同时,南洋报业基 金也 会为他赠购风扇、床褥、床单、枕头等等用 品,并要求蔡广 福从 此好好对待家人。在基金和蔡 广福 的约定之下,他答应一个 星期 里至少三天会带弟弟出门走走,呼吸一下外 面的 空气。南洋报业基 金希 望为蔡广福重建家园后,可以为他们 一家 带来健康的生活环境。
南洋报业基金为了支持这项重建工程,将于10月28日(星期日)早上九点半,联同中国报《5心车队》、ASTRO 《本地圈》、牛头牌《特工队》、博爱辅导中心、大同温馨厨师团、嘉玉贸易有限公司、宝贝阅读乐园、JULIE’S、SUPER、 Ajinomoto 及各赞助商将一起到蔡广福的家进行第七场《16导航》的温馨探访活动,除了帮他修补家园,也会派送日常用品、干粮、粉刷屋子、以及更换新的家具。《16导航》义工在当天将会邀请近邻 参与户外的心灵游戏,拉近彼此的关系。
同时,南洋报业基金《16导航》的慈爱大使—林德荣,以及原则大 使—尹匯 雰也加入阵容,为温馨探访活动献出一份力。
这一次的户外摊位增设了新的项目“南洋报业基金《16导航》流动诊所”,由Sis Kathy Ong(总 统筹)和Dr Jyothi Prasad(医疗统筹)带领的二十四位志工所组成的爱心服务。这些 义工都来自不同的背景如工程师、教师、会计师、银行员、销售人员、自兼人士、IT顾 问以及税务顾问,他们已参与过各种慈善活动,对于本地和海外的志愿医疗外展活动备有丰富的经验。南洋报业基金《16导 航》的流动诊所将会免费为弱势群体提供医疗服务:测量身体质量指数、血压测量、血糖水平测试、专业医生提供的医疗咨询和治疗、中药处方、 为儿童驱虫、鉴定 与协助非明显的紧急情况、与医疗相关的社会支持和案件管理、转介到医院或其他医疗资源和社会资源、健康和卫生的咨询、预防疾病的建议、爱 滋病病毒抗体测 试、清洁和包扎伤口、以及护理病者的家庭。
南洋报业基金呼吁各界善心人士加入《16导航》的温馨探访活动,有意要成为《16导航》赞助商、合作伙伴或志愿者的朋友,请致 电到南洋 报业基金(03-76508651/694/675/669),或电邮至 。 若您无 法出席《16导 航》温馨探访活 动,也可以乐捐的方式支持此活动。请将您的善款汇至YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6),然后 再把汇款和个人资料传真到03-76508627。欢迎游览南洋报业基金网站 查获更多详情。

Since his feet were bruised by stones, Chai (69 years old) can no longer work. His wife (62 years old) has to become the family’s breadwinner and washes dishes for a living. She has to work every day and gets only one day off every two weeks. Even with such hard work, she earns only RM650 a month.
Chai has three sons. The qualification of their education is only up to Form 3. His eldest son, Chai Bee Heng (36 years old) previously worked as an attendant in a games arcade. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart disease. Hence, he was forced to stop working.
The second son, Chai Bee Keong (34 years old) worked as a construction worker six years ago. Unfortunately on his first day of work, some thugs visited his work area and asked for protection fee. Chai claimed that his son refused to pay the protection fee, which led to a fight with the thugs. During the fight, Bee Keong used a hammer to hit the head of one of the thugs. The thug was rushed to the hospital but passed away after one week. Initially, Bee Keong chose to flee and avoid the police. But soon after that he decided to surrender and report himself to the police station. He was locked up in prison while awaiting the judge’s decision. After six years, the judge gave Bee Keong the death penalty. The neighbours understand that the family is facing financial difficulties and their urgency to help Bee Keong. Hence, they decided to come together and raise funds for the family by hiring a lawyer for Bee Keong and and putting in an appeal to the court for the judge’s decision to be reconsidered.
The third son, Chai Bee Siong (31 years old) is currently working in a games arcade as an attendant with unstable income.
On 16 October 2012, Yayasan Nanyang Press (YNP) visited Chai and found that the toilet door and walls of his house are broken. In addition, the kitchen has no gas stove, and they have been using wood for cooking. YNP noticed a locked narrow wooden store room at the back of his house. When Chai opened the wooden door, YNP was surprised to see an old man in the room, kneeling on his knees in a tattered straw mat, with little hair and no shirt on him. YNP was informed by Chai that the person is in fact his blood-related brother, Chai Kim Thiam (48 years old).
The wooden store room has no windows, lights, fans or mattresses. There were only old and broken mats and a toileting keg in the store room for Kim Thiam. Chai explained that, when Kim Thiam was 13, he was naughty and liked to play with rubber rings. One day, one of his rubber rings hit a statue of an Indian god in an Indian temple. After seeking advice from several Taoist masters, the family believed that Kim Thiam had caused the anger of the Indian god, and was made a madman as punishment. Since then, Kim Thiam was locked up in the wooden store room. He has been staying in the dark room for 35 years.
As the floor of Chai’s house has been attacked by termites, he requested YNP to replace the rotten floor with cemented ground, so that they could walk comfortably at home. As there are many rooms in the house, YNP recommended Chai to transfer Kim Thiam from the wooden store room to one of the rooms in the house. YNP will reconstruct the room so that it can be fitted with two doors: an iron ornamental gate and a wooden door. The intention is to let the fresh air and sun shine enter the room, for Kim Thiam, as a human being, also deserves to have a comfortable room for himself. On top of that, YNP will also furnish the room with a bed, fan, mattress and pillow. Chai promised to bring Kim Thiam out for a walk three times a week. YNP will sponsor the construction costs to repair Chai’s broken house so that the family can have a healthy living environment.
The 7th Visitation of the [16 Navigators] will be held at 9:30 am on 28 October 2012 (Sunday), in collaboration with China Press’ “5 Hearts”, ASTRO, Buffalo, Agape Counselling Centre, BaoBei Reading Wonderland, JULIE’S, SUPER, Ajinomoto and many other sponsors, who will come together to pay a warm visit not only to Chai’s family but also to all the villagers in Kundor Pandamaran.
Apart from that, there are two ambassadors of [16 Navigators] who will be joining the 7th Visitation. They are Jack Lim (Kindness Ambassador) and Wan Wai Fun (Principle Ambassador).
YNP is pleased to announce the launch of the [16 Navigators Mobile Clinic] during the 7th Visitation on 28 October 2012. It is a team made up of like-minded friends who takes pleasure in doing their bit in their respective capacities to give back to the communities with love and compassion. The team of 24 volunteers is led by Sis Kathy Ong (Overall Coordinator) and Dr Jyothi Prasad (Dr Jyo) (Medical Coordinator). Currently there are two panel doctors – Dr Jyo himself and Dr Rudy Wee – and more are expected to join soon. The free mobile clinic will be able to provide the following services to the low-income/needy families at locations carefully selected by YNP:
- Body mass index (BMI) measurement
- Blood pressure measurement
- Blood sugar level test
- Medical consultation and treatment by qualified medical doctors
- Medicine prescription
- De-worming children
- Identify and assist non-apparent emergency cases
- Medical-related social support and case management
- Referrals to hospitals or other medical and social resources
- Counselling on health and hygiene
- Advice on disease prevention
- HIV test (optional)
- Cleansing and dressing of wounds
- Home care for the sick.
YNP would like to encourage participation from the general public to join the [16 Navigators Visitation] as it is a meaningful charitable event. If you are interested to be a volunteer, sponsor or partner of [16 Navigators], please do not hesitate to contact YNP via phone (03-76508651/694/675/669) or e-mail ( If you are unable to attend the event, but would still like to support this event, you are welcome to make a financial contribution. Cheques can be made payable to YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6), after which you are requested to fax (03-76508627) or email the bank-in slip to YNP.
For more information, please visit the YNP official website at
- 9 October 2015, 20:22
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