Newscut Name: Chen Guo Shun 陈国顺
Age: 40
Condition: 三弟患肺癌,幼弟智商低。

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Donor List

陈国顺因为病情严重而逝世,经过调查南洋报业基金得知其家人的 经济情况也非常需要帮助,因此基金决定把筹获的善款共RM12,440.00,每月给予RM350.00作为他们的生活费援助。目前所剩下的 善款有RM11,740.00。

Mr Chen had passed away due to illness. After some investigation, Yayasan found out that his family is in need of financial support. Yayasan decided to support them by contributing RM 350.00 every month from the total funds raised to date for Mr Chen, which is RM12,440.00. The balance of the donations up to 01/04/2013 is RM11.740.00. Your compassionate support is always appreciated.

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