The 5th Visitation by 16 Navigators Volunteer Team 南洋报业基金第五场【16导航温馨探访活动】
Posted under events · 16-navigators受惠者: 陈亚妹 & 李玉明
地点: 彭亨-立卑
地址: Pahang
日期: 26/8/2012 (Sun/星期日)
陈亚妹在7年前中风,无法 再行走,长期坐在躺椅上过日子。自从中风后,她便得了心病,每一 天躺在椅上解决三餐、睡觉及大小解,就连那张披在她身上的被也非常肮脏。五年前的一天,她就突然不再打开眼睛、不再讲话,长期封闭在自己的世界。前阵子,基金会的同事特地到立卑去探访陈亚 妹,才发现她的状况一直都没有好转,低头沉默不语,对人不理不睬,邻居们对于她的病情也百思不解。由于她从来没有到过医院做检查,所以她中风的原因和痊愈的几率,无从而知。唯一庆幸的是,李玉明非常孝顺,他虽然智商不高,没办 法胜任薪水好一点的工作,不过 他每天到外去拾环保废弃物来帮补家用, 而且 负责每一天的三餐。目前陈亚妹每月领取政府福利金300零吉、李玉明的福利金是70零吉 以及拾荒只赚得约100零吉,因此一个月的生活费是约470零吉。
早前,中国报也为这个个案作了报导,刊登陈亚妹和李玉明恶劣的生活状况。南洋报业基金得知后,就决定将第五场的《16导航温馨探访活动》移动到立碑,行动和精神上给于支持。这对母子现在唯一的心愿是希望可以 有一间不漏水的家,过去的十年以来,他们都住在破烂又漏水的屋子,屋顶的柱子都被白蚁侵蚀,随时倒下。立卑的一群热心人士成立了“贫困 母子住在漏水烂木屋“重建 筹委会,协助这对母子重建家园,改善他们的生活环境,重建工作已在本月6日开 始进行了。
南洋报业基金为了支持这项重建活动,将于8月26日(星期日)早上九点半,到陈亚妹和李玉明的家进行第五场《16导航温馨探访活动》,为他们修补及美化家园。同时,也希望重建工程可以顺利在本月26日前完工,以便温馨探访的义工们可以为他们的新家粉刷和清理。南洋报业基金将联同中国报【5心车队】、ASTRO 【本地圈车队】、牛头牌【特工队】、博爱辅导中心、大同温馨厨师团、嘉玉贸易有限公司、宝贝阅读乐园、JULIE’S、SUPER及各赞助商将一起为他派送日常用品、干粮、粉刷屋子、以及更换新的家具。【16导航】志愿队也会邀请近邻参与户外的心灵游戏,拉近彼此的关系。更庆幸的是,这一次会有四十位青年孤儿加入【16导航】志愿队,为这个活动献出一份力。
No | 赞助商 | 礼物 |
1. | 牛头牌 BUFFALO | 厨房用具 |
2. | 嘉玉贸易有限公司 Jasper Promenade | 礼品袋 |
3. | SUPER | 礼品袋 |
4. | JULIE’S | 礼品袋 |
5. | 宝贝阅读乐园 | 一幅油画 |
6. | 南洋报业基金 Yayasan Nanyang Press | 热水壶,电视架,桌子,椅子,神座,碗柜,床褥、床品套件、衣橱等等。 |
No | 赞助商 | 礼物 |
1. | 少年月刊 Bulanan Pelajar | 150份少年月刊 |
2. | SUPER | 350份礼品 |
3. | JULIE’S | 350份礼品 |
4. | 嘉玉贸易有限公司 Jasper Promenade | 蛋卷 |
5. | 大同集团 Tai Thong Group | 400份饼干以及400支矿泉水 |
6. | 宝贝阅读乐园 | 沙艺游戏 |
7. | D’LONEK | 200份有机营养蔬菜 |
8. | Pantai Holdings Berhad | 200份环保袋 |
9. | 南洋报业基金 Yayasan Nanyang Press | 午餐 |
No | 赞助商 | 游戏 | 奖品 |
1. | 嘉玉贸易有限公司 Jasper Promenade | 过呼拉圈 | 礼品袋 |
2. | 嘉玉贸易有限公司 Jasper Promenade | 投篮游戏 | 礼品袋 |
3. | 牛头牌 Buffalo | 三人四足 | 保温瓶 |
4. | 嘉玉贸易有限公司 Jasper Promenade | 解开手铐绳子的捆绑 | 礼品袋 |
5. | 牛头牌 Buffalo | 美德故事表演比赛 | 保温瓶 |
No | 团体 | 赞助 |
1. | 李玉明漏水屋重建委员会 | 场地,帐篷,桌子,椅子,水电,插座,以及宣传。 |
No | 合作伙伴 |
1. | 中国报 China Press |
2. | 南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau |
3. | 生活杂志 Life Magazines |
4. | LifeTV |
5. | 少年月刊Bulanan Pelajar |
6. | ASTRO |
7. | MY FM |
8. | 保乐力加有限公司 Pernod Ricard Sdn Bhd |
In Kuala Lipis, Pahang, lived a poverty-stricken pair of mother and son. The old mother, Ya Mei, is 71 years old and has a son and a daughter. However, her daughter had married and moved out many years ago, and rarely goes home. The poor mother has lost contact with her daughter. Hence, the mother can only depend on her son, Yi Ming.
Ya Mei had a stroke seven years ago. Since the stroke, she was affected by autism. Every day she will just have her meals, sleep, and defecate on the same seat. The situation worsened about five years ago, as she started to close her eyes most of the time and did not talk to anyone since then. She has been living in her own world, cutting off all ties with the outside world.
Yayasan Nanyang Press paid a visit to Ya Mei and found out that she has never undergone any medical treatment in a hospital or clinic. No one knows the cause of her stroke and the illness that she is currently facing. Her son, Yi Ming, has Down Syndrome since he was born. Hence, he is not able to get a proper job. Nevertheless, Yi Ming is a very filial son. To earn a living, the son collects items around his housing area that can be recycled. This will bring him approximately RM100 per month. Apart from that, the government is supporting Ya Mei’s living expenses by providing her RM300 and her son RM70.
This case was published in China Press previously. In the past decade, the mother and son had been living in the dilapidated house with a leaking roof and pillars infested with termites and ready to collapse anytime. They wish that they can have a watertight home. Local kind-hearted residents have set up a volunteer team to dismantle the rotten wooden house and help rebuild their home. The reconstruction work started on 6th August 2012, and is expected to be completed by 26th August 2012.
To support the poor family, Yayasan Nanyang Press will be organising the 5th Visitation event or better known as the “16 Navigators’ Warm Visit” to Kuala Lipis, Pahang on 26th August 2012 (Sunday) from 9:30am till 3:30pm. The volunteer team will help to paint the walls and beautify the home for Ya Mei and Yi Ming. The “16 Navigators” volunteer team, along with the “5 Hearts team” from China Press, Astro Cruises, Bao Bei Reading Wonderland, Tai Thong, Jasper, Julie’s, Super, and many other sponsors will deliver daily necessities and dried food, and help paint the house as well as replace broken furnitures for Ya Mei’s family.
Apart from that, the volunteers will also invite the neighbours of Ya Mei to participate in outdoor parent-child games. Free lunch and door gifts will be prepared for the locals. The main objective of the outdoor activities is to enhance the relationship of the neighbours. It is very encouraging to know that there will be at least 40 young orphans joining the “16 Navigators” volunteer team.
If you are interested to join the Yayasan Nanyang Press “16 Navigators” volunteer team, please fill up the online form provided. We will be providing transportation from the Nanyang Siang Pau building to Kuala Lipis for volunteers who are interested in participating in the event.
- 9 October 2015, 20:21
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