

Name: Adrian Fong Chun Keat 冯俊杰
Age: 14
Condition: 母亲突然逝世,四个孩子陷入生活困境。

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Article: China Press
Donor List

透过读者的善心捐款,南洋报业基金所筹获的善款有RM25,379.50,基金决定把这笔善款用于缴付2哥(俊杰)和小弟(俊 辉)的补习费用和交通费。目前已经缴付了RM2,727.00,基金会继续用剩余的善款来协助他们 缴付补习费。此外,基金也会协助大哥申请就读Montfort,让他继续深造,如成功入学基金 会帮助缴付他的学费。希望透过教育能够为他们带来美好的人生。

Thanks to all public donations received, Yayasan Nanyang Press had successfully raised RM25,379.50 for the family. The donation is being used to pay for the tuition fees and transportation fees of the second brother (Jun Jie) and youngest brother (Jun Hui), with already RM2,727.00 paid up to date. Yayasan will continue to pay for their tuition fee with the balance of the donations. Yayasan will also assist the eldest brother’s application to study in Montfort to get a better life, with all study fees paid by Yayasan. Your compassionate support is always appreciated.

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