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Name 姓名: Leong Fong Peng 梁沣频
Age 年龄: 54 Condition 病情: Liver failure, liver transplant needed. 肝硬化,急需肝脏移植 |
Updates 13/9/2018
Initially the doctor planned to remove the gallstones from Mdm. Liang Fong Peng with scope yesterday. However, they found out that her bile duct was inflamed and had a blood clot. The risk will be too high to proceed as the initial plan, they decided to postpone the extraction of gallstones until her condition is improved. “I think my mother must be very painful now, but there are several “tubes” inserted to her body through her nose and mouth. So there is no way for her to speak. I really feel heartache when I see tears flowing out of her closed eyelids! I am afraid that she might mentally give up due to the unbearable discomfort and pain. I am grateful to Jerome Chin for willing to take time to visit my mum although he had been discharged. Even the medical staff was able to tell that my mom’s mood had improved significantly whenever Jerome Chin visited her,” said Krystal. It is gratifying to know that the liver which transplanted from Jerome Chin is functioning stable in Mdm Leong’s body. Today, her fever has decreased, the blood clot has gradually reduced, and her bilirubin level is dropping. The doctor will remove the gallstones when the blood clot is completely eliminated. On the other hand, Jerome Chin is recoverying well so far. The current hospital bills had went beyond the SGD160k (approx. RM500,000) deposit that Yayasan had transferred to the hospital on 5th Sep 2018. We were requested to pay for the overdue SGD 47,000 (approx. RM 150,000) soonest. This means the total medical expenses up to date is already approx. RM650,000. The bills will continue to go up every day as Mdm Leong is still receiving treatments in ICU. However, as at 13th Sept 2018, Yayasan Nanyang Press only collected total of RM440,000 donation for Leong’s medical aid. Hence, more fund is urgently needed. Please support the fundraising to help Leong by sharing this news with your friends and family to call for more donation. Thank you very much!
原本医生预计昨天(12/9/2018)为梁沣频抽出胆结石,但无奈发现她的胆管发炎且有血块 ,如果在这个时候进行scope 以抽出胆结石风险过高,所以暂时延迟了。由于胆管发炎,医生又得在她的身上添插一个管让胆汁流出,及另一个管让血块从鼻子流出来。 “我觉得妈妈现在一定很痛苦,但她的吼也插了管,所以没有办法言语。当看见眼泪从她闭着的眼皮间流出时,我真的好心疼!更深怕她会因为过于难受而失去向病魔战斗的意志。非常感谢泽融出院后还不时抽出时间到医院为妈妈打气。每当择融躺望妈妈后,连医疗人员都能看出妈妈的心情明显改善。”-紫晶(梁沣频的女儿) 值得欣慰的是医药报告显示新移植的肝(来自泽融的捐献)在梁沣频的体内还算稳定。今天她的高烧退了,血块逐渐消了,胆指数也开始降了。等血块完全消后医生才能为她抽出胆结石。而梁沣频的捐肝者泽融自出院后目前还在新加坡修养,复原程度乐观。 另外让人感觉非常压力的是那昂贵的医药费!院方从昨天开始不断提醒我们梁沣频目前的医药费已超越南洋报业基金于2018年9月5日付医院的16万新元(约500,000令吉)手术抵押金。院方积极邀求基金尽快付还新币47,000(约150,000令吉)的治疗费余额。这意味着目前梁沣频的总医疗费已经高达约650,000令吉。 由于梁沣频仍然在ICU接受治疗,相信治疗费还是会陆续增加。 然而,截至今天(13/9/2018),南洋报业基金只筹获440,000令吉的善款。因此迫切需要更多基金。请帮助我们与您的朋友和家人分享此新闻,以支持筹款。感恩。
Updates 10/9/2018
Mdm. Leong Fong Peng started fever since yesterday. Her bilirubin level increased . After the CT scan and Ultrasound, the medical team found gallstone at her hepatobiliary. It has to be removed to avoid obstruction. May Mdm. Leong has a speedy recovery. Good news is Jerome Chin (Mdm. Leong’s liver donor) has been discharged today! Pray for his quick recovery too!
梁老师从昨天开始发烧。她的胆红素偏高。在CT扫描和超声检查后,医疗团队在她的肝胆上发现了胆结石,必须将其移除以避免阻塞。 旦愿梁老师早日痊愈 ! 好消息是泽融今天出院了!为他的快速康复祷告!
Updates 10/9/2018
Jerome Chin had been transferred from HDU to the general ward yesterday. Last night he went to visit Mdm. Leong Fong Peng for the 1st time in ICU after the liver transplant surgery. In fact, Mdm. Leong had been having sleepless nights after the operation because she was worried about the health condition of Jerome. After meeting Jerome personally and confirmed that he is recovering well, she was finally able to have a good and quality sleep last night. Today is also the birthday of Jerome. His family and Krystal specially prepared a birthday cake for him, and celebrated this special and meaningful birthday! Presumably the scene must be very warm. Hope that Teacher Leong and Ze Rong will recover soon.
泽融昨天已经从HDU转到普通病房。并在昨晚首次到ICU探望梁老师。其实,手术后梁老师一直担心泽融的身体状况而日夜难眠。昨晚亲眼看见泽融安好后,梁老师终于可以安心了。根据紫晶的引述,昨晚重聚后梁老师睡得特别好! 今天也是泽融的生日。他的家人和紫晶特别为他准备了生日蛋糕 以庆祝了这特别且有意义的生日!想必场面一定很温馨 。 旦愿梁老师和泽融早日痊愈。
Updates 9/9/2018 (9:30am)
Update from Krystal (Leong’s daughter): “Mom’s report showed that she is stable now. Although she still needs to breathe with the support of oxygen mask, I am glad that she is now able to sit on a chair for physical therapy. Doctors expect to transfer mum from the current ICU to HDU tomorrow. Jerome’s report showed that his condition is also stable. He is able to go toilet by himself now. As there is no bed available in General ward, he is still in HDU although his condition has allowed him to be transferred to general ward. The hospital staffs are still working on the arrangement. I am impressed by the professional spirits of the medical team here. The surgeon will visit my mum and Jerome to monitor their situation even during the weekend. Their medical treatment is efficient.” Note: For more updates, please visit Yayasan Nanyang Press Medical Aid Facebook page. We will constantly provide the latest information here. Hope everyone will understand that the patient has not passed the dangerous period yet. So try to avoided messaging or calling the family members privately so that they can concentrate on taking care of the patients.
来自紫晶(梁老师的女儿)的更新: “妈妈的报告显示依然稳定安好 虽然还需要靠氧气罩呼吸 不过已经可以坐在椅子上进行物理治疗 医生预计明天或则后天 可以把妈咪从ICU转到HDU观察 。 泽融的报告显示一样稳定安好 目前已经可以自行上厕所 目前还在HDU 由于General Ward没有床位 医院还在安排。 医疗团队精神敬佩可佳 虽然是周末 主治医生(Surgeon)团队 依然会到医院为妈妈和泽融进行观察说解状况 医治效率很好。” 注: 欲知道更多更新,请关注 Yayasan Nanyang Press Medical Aid 南洋报业基金 醫療援助 。我们会在这里把最新讯息传递给大家。现在还没有度过危险期,尽可能避免私讯受惠者家人,好让他们可以专心照顾病者 Link
Updates 09/09/2018
The amount of support and love demonstrated by so many students, colleagues and former students clearly proved that teacher Leong must be a very rare and good primary school teacher! The operation was successful, but the risk period has not yet passed, and the treatment fee has not yet been raised sufficiently. I hope that everyone’s blessings and kind intentions can alleviate the pain and speedy recovery for Leong as well as her liver donor (Jerome Chin, who was also her former student). Your generosity and support in sharing the news will be highly appreciated.
可以得到那么多学生、同事及前学生们的支持和爱戴,想必这位梁老师一定是一位非常难得的好老师!手术成功,但还没有度过危险期,治疗费也还没有筹足。 旦愿大家的祝福和用心能减轻梁老师和捐肝者(泽融, 也是她的前学生) 目前的疼痛、早日康复! 感恩大家踊跃捐款和积极把这项新闻分享给更多人
移植肝臟費用龐大 捐款幫幫梁老師 Link
Updates 07/09/2018
Thank you very much to all generous donors and everyone who had supported the fundraising. It was through everyone’s blessings that both, the patient Mdm Leong Fong Peng and the liver donor Jerome Chin are at stable stage now.
Jerome Chin is closely monitored by the medical team in HDU. 67% of his liver was donated to Mdm Leong. His jaundice level will increase slightly due to the liver donation but his condition is expected to improve after his liver regenerate or rebuilt itself. His is able to breath naturally without depending on oxygen tube. He is able to sit on the bed but feeling pain is unavoidable. If all goes well, he can be discharged after one week.
Base on the result from blood test, Jerome’s liver is functioning well in Mdm Leong’ s body, which means there is neither rejection symptom nor post-surgery infection. She will be on kidney dialysis treatment until her body is fully stable. If her stability maintain, she is likely to be discharged after one month. The first 6 month will be the most crucial period as rejecting symptoms may occur.
Last but not least, the fundraising is still on going. As at 7th Sept 2018, Yayasan Nanyang Press had collected RM300k++. The surgery and medical treatment fees for both of them is approximately RM1mil. Please help us to share the news with your friends and family for fundraising. Your kindness is very much appreciated.
Bank: Hong Leong
Account Number: 001-001-81032
Swift code for Hong leong bank : HLBBMYKLXXX
Online donation form to upload bank in slip 请透过以下网址填写捐款表格及上载汇款收据:
Online Donation Form
(Please state “Leong Fong Peng” under “comments” in the online form 请在 comments 栏注明 “梁沣频”)
If you are a Singaporean and wish to donate SGD to the hospital account directly please PM us.
Thank you.
Updates 6/9/2018
好消息! 来自梁沣频的女儿,紫晶的讯息:
“医生说妈妈的手术危机 手术中大量出血 不过医生事先也预测到的事 进过急救和新的肝移植到妈妈的时候 一切恢复稳定 因为大量出血的状况延长预计的手术时间 但是手术成功顺利进行 妈妈将在加护病房被密集观察 预计明天才会舒醒 希望大家继续为我妈妈祈祷 目前还没脱离危险期 由于失血过多 目前靠药物和仪器控制血压等 洗肾会继续 大家不要过于担心 我相信妈妈会好起来 因为她很坚强意志力很坚定 进手术前也答应我们会康复的和大家见面 “
注: 由于南洋报业基金只付了SGD160k (大约RM500k) 的手术押金费于医院。总手术费用估计需要RM 1 mil. 。远远超越我们目前所筹得的善款。恳请大家帮忙分享这项筹款活动,感激不尽!
Updates 06/09/2018
Considering the preciousness of human life and the urgency of doing the surgery for Mdm Leong Fong Peng, the top management of Yayasan Nanyang Press had agreed to pay for SGD160k deposit to NUH before we receive sufficient fund for the surgery so that her treatment will not be delayed further. Million thanks to the approval from YNP management and the generosity of all donors who had donated to YNP for this case.
Sincere thanks to Mr. Jerome for willing to be the liver donor of Mdm Leong Fong Peng. Both of them had been sent for the operation this morning. Will update everyone about the progress after the 8 hours operation.
The living donor assessment is a rigorous process to ensure that the potential organ donor is in a good state of health and that the donation will not compromise his/her own wellbeing.
The liver is the only organ that can regenerate or rebuild itself. After the transplant, the livers in both donor and recipient will grow back to normal size in about two months. During the donor assessment, a multidisciplinary liver transplantation team evaluates the donor based on several factors to ensure suitability.
The potential donor will need to undergo a series of blood tests and scans to ensure the organ is a “match”. Physical health: The donor must not have any disease that could be potentially transmitted to the recipient.Mental health: The donor must not have an active mental disorder or intellectual impairment. He/she must not have a history of drug use. A counselling session is also arranged to determine the psychosocial state of the potential donor. The session may include personal questions. An independent transplant ethics committee evaluates this information and makes the decision about whether the live organ donation can go ahead.
Please help to spread the news with all your friends and family as we still need more fund to cover the balance of the surgery & follow up treatment.
捐赠者需要进行一系列血液检查和扫描,以确保器官的合适。身体健康:捐赠者不得有任何可能传染给接受者的疾病。心理健康:捐赠者不得有精神障碍或智力障碍及没有吸毒史. 团队也会安排一个咨询会议,以评估捐赠者的心理状态,该会议也将提问个人问题。一个独立的移植伦理委员会评估这些信息,并决定是否可以继续进行活体器官捐赠。
Updates 04/09/2018
Good News!
Leong Fong Peng has finally found a suitable liver donor for her liver transplant surgery!
Considering her current health condition, the doctor advised her to undergo the liver transplant surgery on 06/09/2018.
However, the minimum deposits for the surgery is SGD160,000 (approx RM520,000). The hospital required the deposit to be transfer to their account before the surgery.
Unfortunately as at 4th September 2018, Yayasan Nanyang Press only received RM10,023 donation for her.
Shall we fold our hands together to request you to support her financially or share this news with your friends and family members. Since thanks for your help.
但截至04/09/2018为止,南洋报业基金所筹获得善款只有RM10,023. 远远少于目前急需的手术费新币160,000 (RM520,000) .
Updates 30/08/2018
54 years old teacher currently receiving treatment in University Malaya Medical Center for decompensated liver failure. UMMC referred her to National University Hospital Singapore for liver transplant .The estimated cost for liver transplant is RM1 Million.
Therefore, her daughter appeal the medical aid from Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise fund from public.
In addition, potential liver donor must fulfill the requirement below before go to NUH Singapore for donor assessment:
- 21 years old or above
- Blood type :O+
- Normal BMI
- No Health problem
- Agreed by family member
除此之外,有意捐肝者必须到新加坡进行检验,任何详情,请联络梁沣频老师的女儿郑紫晶,联络电话: 011-1234 1787。
捐肝善者 到新加坡医院进行配对检验前必须确认以下事项:
- 满21岁或以上
- 血型 :O+
- 不过重 BMI
- 没有任何健康因素问题
- 获得家人的赞同
- 1 December 2018, 14:04
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