NewscutNewscut Name 姓名: Yap Ah Kiau 叶亚苟
Age 年龄: 56
Condition 病情: Mr. Yap Ah Kiau broke his right leg in an motor accident. He needs to rest at home for one year for the recovery and has lost his source of income. As he needs to take care of his 82 year old mother, he sincerely hopes for public donation. 叶亚苟和母亲邱招娣(82岁)相依为命,每月靠在纸厂任职获取的2000令吉薪金养家,惟他却于今年遇车祸,遭轿车撞断右脚。他因此被迫在家休养一年,暂时无法工作顿失收入,希望社会热心人士伸出援手,助他和年迈母亲渡过难关。

Nanyang Siang Pau
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