Date 日期: 2015年11月29日 (星期日)
Time 时间: 早上9点至下午3点
Beneficiary 受惠者: Too Kwee Poh / Wong Kwee Poh 黄桂妹
Age 年龄: 73歲
Address 地址: Kuala Lumpur

Too Kwee Poh (73 years old) has been staying in an old cabin with her 82-year-old husband (Xiao Cai) and 32-year-old son (Xiao Tian Lai) in Jinjang for almost 30 years. She collects scraps for a living. She suffers from cataracts and has poor eyesight, while her husband has poor hearing.

Her son is suffering from skin disease and has learning disabilities. He had his ring finger and middle finger removed because of the disease in 2008. He also had skin problems with bacterial infections when he was small. Wounds on his chest still bleed sometimes. He does not take medicine but takes regular injections instead. The injections are free because he has an OKU card. He was required to use a particular sterile gauze to cover his chest wounds by the doctor, but he claimed that he could not afford it.

Xiao Cai receives RM80, Too Kwee Poh receives RM300 and Xiao Tian Lai receives RM350 from welfare every month, respectively. Xiao Tian Lai also earns about RM700 from repairing mobile phones and laptops.

Yayasan Nanyang Press (YNP) visited their cabin and found a leaking roof in the living hall and bedrooms with mattresses that are moldy and tattered. The cabin is full of debris and dark without electricity supply. Mattresses, wardrobes, fans and shutters are broken.

As such, YNP has decided to organise “The 13th Visitation of The [16 Navigators II]” on 29th November 2015 (Sunday) for Too Kwee Poh’s family, whereby a number of volunteers will be required to assist in repairing their home.

YNP would like to encourage participation from the general public to join this meaningful charitable event. If you are interested to be a volunteer, sponsor or partner of [16 Navigators II], please do not hesitate to contact YNP via phone (03-76508651 / 694 / 675 / 669 / 662 / 624 / 652 / 653) or e-mail (

If you are unable to attend the event, but would still like to support this event, you are welcome to make a financial contribution. Cheques can be made payable to YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6), after which you are requested to fax (03-76508627) or email the bank-in slip to YNP. For more information, please visit our website:







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若您无法出席【16导航】温馨探访活动,也可以乐捐的方式支持此活动。请将您的善款汇 至YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS (OCBC 701-120679-6),然后再把汇款和个人资料传真到 03-76508627。欢迎游览南洋报业基金网站

Condition of beneficiary’s house 受惠者黃桂妹住家情况

12th Visitation
Leaking roof in the bedroom.
12th Visitation
Cai Tian Lai’s room is full of debris.
12th Visitation
Shutters in the toilet are broken.
12th Visitation
The roof leaks when it rains.
12th Visitation
The living room is messy and dark due to no electricity supply.
12th Visitation
Windows are covered with wood planks temporarily.

12th Visitation
Beneficiary’s moldy mattress.
12th Visitation
Cluttered backyard.