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Name 姓名: Wong Yi Ning 黄苡甯
Age 年龄: 2 Condition 病情: 两岁女童黄苡甯不幸于3月诊断患有幼年型粒单核细胞白血病(JMML),近日更出现肝脾不受药控迹象,家人急盼公众捐助40万令吉医药费,还女 童健康人生。 Links: – Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List |
Update: 16/5/2016
Yayasan Nanyang Press (YNP) expresses deep condolence for the death of Yi Ning at 3.55am this morning.
YNP collected RM 486,210.23 for her, and the total medical bills that YNP had paid up to 7/4/2016 was RM 357,792.66. The balance of funds now is RM 128,417.57. However, the final bill that YNP received today showed that there is still outstanding of RM 195,532.08, which means that we still need additional RM 67,114.51 to cover her medical bills. Appreciate your continuous donations.
《南洋报业基金》谨以悲痛的心情宣布,黄苡甯于今天(16/5) 凌晨3时55分,永远的离开我们了!《南洋报业基金》共为她筹获RM 486,210.23。直至4月7日,共已拨出RM 357,792.66的医药费,还剩RM 128,417.57。而她最后的医药费是RM 195,532.08,因此还需要RM 67,114.51才可以还清她的医药费,盼善心人士慷慨解囊。
Update: 11/5/2016
Wong Yi Ning is suffering from Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukaemia. She has difficulty in breathing since last night. According to her father, the doctor said this is because the condition of her lungs and heart are weak. As she is still staying in ICU to receive further treatment, your generous contribution will be highly appreciated. Let us pray for her speedy recovery.
Update: 18/4/2016
Wong Yi Ning is suffering from Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukaemia. Her condition is deteriorating today (18/4) and admitted to ICU for further treatment. Your generous contribution will be highly appreciated.
患上幼年型粒单核细胞白血病的黄苡 甯,最近的病情反复。医生说她的肠有磨损的现象, 所以会出现血便。 另外,她手脚的皮肤也开始龟裂。《南洋报业基金》 刚接获消息,她的血小板和白血球在今日(18/4)降到很低,已被送入加护病房。希望善心人士慷慨解囊,继续捐助医药费。
Update: 23/3/2016
Wong Yi Ning, 2, diagnosed with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukaemia. According to her father Mr. Wong Jwu Keat, the reading of her white blood cell is stable now, but she is still lacking of appetite, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. She is still staying in the hospital for close monitoring by the medical team.
Update: 8/3/2016
Wong Yi Ning, 2, diagnosed with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukaemia had been transferred back to normal ward after her operation. According to the father, the reading of her white blood cell is still unstable. She is having fever recently due to bacteria infection. Besides, Yi Ning’s abdomen is still slightly swelling and needs to stay in hospital for observation.
Update: 26/2/2016
截至2016年2月26日,《南洋报业基金》和《中国报》“慈爱人间” 共为她筹到 RM 406,485.98, 在第一次的骨髓移植手术,《南洋报业基金》与《中国报》“慈爱人间” 共付了RM 60,360.24 的手术费。
由于第一次的骨髓移植不成功,医生再为她进行第二次的骨髓移植手术。而《南洋报业基金》与《中国报》“慈爱人间” 再拨出 RM 282,752.71 作为她第二次骨髓移植的费用。
现在,她的义款只剩下 RM 63,373.03。由于她还需要继续留在医院接受治疗,因此希望公众人士继续踊跃捐助。
Update: 3/2/2016
Wong Yi Ning completed the Bone Marrow Transplant . Thank you so much for all the love and prayers.
Update: 2/2/2016
Wong Yi Ning will undergo her Bone Marrow Transplant tonight. Let’s us pray for the success of her transplant.
黄苡甯在今晚(2/2/16) 进行骨髓移植,让我们祝福她手术顺利!
Update: 22/1/2016
黄苡甯在去年12月进行了第一次的骨髓移植手术后出现排斥。 现在急需进行第二次的骨髓移植。
《南洋报业基金》与《中国报》“慈爱人间”在今年1月, 预付了RM 53,345.00的医药费作为她第二次骨髓检验和配对的费用。目前,她已找到合适的骨髓配对,并会安排在近期内进行骨髓移植。
可惜,她目前的义款只剩 RM 159,276.00,还需要多RM 187,379.00的手术费。
Update: 6/1/2016
南洋报业基金》去年9月开始为黄苡甯第一次骨髓移植手术筹款,共筹获RM 88,258.88,至今共用了RM 17,169.76 作为她的骨髓检验和骨髓运输的费用。
由于上一次手术后善款还剩下RM71,089.12,加上《马星基金》於1月6日捐出的RM 50,000.00善款,令她的义款数额增加至 RM 121,089.12。换句话说,她还急需RM278,910.88手术费!
Update: 7/12/2015
Wong Yi Ning completed the Bone Marrow Transplantation, now she still need to stay at hospital for observation.
Update: 2/12/2015
Baby Wong Yi Ning completed the Chemotherapy. Doctor will performed the Bone Marrow Transplantation tomorrow. Lets us pray for her successful surgery and recovery. 黄苡甯已完成化疗疗程,医生将于明日为她进行骨髓移植。让大家一起祝福她明日手术成功和早日康复。
- 3 November 2018, 14:16
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