Newscut Name 姓名: Lee Jin Yi 李晋毅
Age 年龄: 10个月 months
Condition 病情: 甫10个月大的李晋毅患有先天性下肢畸形症 (Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly),我国医生皆劝以截肢治疗,但其父母希望送他到美国就医,让他能像常人一样能站立和步行。鉴于这项疗程需时及必须在小晋毅年幼时进行,因此他们急需21万美元(约马币91万令吉),送他到美国接受3个阶段的治疗。

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
Donor List

Updates 10/5/2016

Lee Jin Yi is undergoing physiotherapy once per week currently. Today, the doctor trained him to stand and walk. And the good news is, he is able to walk 15 steps with walker.


Updates 3/5/2016

Lee Jin Yi has been discharged from hospital after completing the 1st stage surgery. Now, he needs to go for physiotherapy twice per week. Doctor will remove the casting on his right leg later on and start to train him to walk.


Updates 27/4/2016

Lee Jin Yi is suffering from Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly. He just completed the 1st stage surgery at St. Mary’s Medical Centre, United States today to straighten both legs and remove the extra toes. Let us pray for his speedy recovery.

患先天性下肢畸形症的李晋毅,刚於今日在美国 St Mary’s Medical Centre 完成第一阶段的膝盖骨矫正手术。医生先为他拉直双脚和切除多余的脚趾。让我们一起祝福他早日康复。

Updates 21/4/2016

Lee Jin Yi is suffering from Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly. He arrived at St. Mary’s Medical Centre at the United States. The doctor is now doing the check-up for him and preparing to undergo the 1st Stage surgery on 27th April 2016.

患先天性下肢畸形症的李晋毅,已安全抵达美国St Mary’s Medical Centre。目前,医生正在为他做一系列的检查,以准备在4月27日进行第一阶段的膝盖骨矫正手术。

Updates 14/4/2016

Lee Jin Yi, who is suffering from Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly will depart for United States on 16th April with his parents to prepare for the surgery on 27th April. Yayasan Nanyang Press had transferred USD 87,318.34 (RM 339,795.54) to St. Mary’s Medical Centre for the cost of Surgery and Physical Therapy stage I.

患先天性下肢畸形症的李晋毅,将於4月16日,与父母飞往美国,为在4月27日进行的膝盖骨矫正手术做好准备。《南洋报业基金》於昨日(13/4/2016) 汇了美金 87,318.34 (RM 339,795.54) 给St. Mary’s Medical Center,作为他第一阶段的手术费和物理治疗的费用。

Updates 9/3/2016

Lee Jin Yi (1 1/2 year old) who is suffering from Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly, has applied his visa to United States successfully today. The hospital in U.S has scheduled Jin Yi to undergo his operation on the 27th April 2016.


Updates 6/3/2016

We hereby declare that Yayasan Nanyang Press has never authorised any other organisation to collect public funds on behalf of Yayasan Nanyang Press (YNP).

Updates 5/3/2016

患上威尔森氏症的练加瑜(20岁),不幸於2月25日往生后,她的家属决定将《南洋报业基金》 筹到的 RM 595,830 义款,转捐给患先天性下肢畸形症的李晋毅(1岁6个月),让已故练加瑜继续遗爱人间。


现年1岁6个月的李晋毅,患有先天性下肢畸形症(Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly),我国医生皆劝以截肢治疗,但其父母唯一的希望是将他送到美国治疗,让他能像常人一样能站立和步行。




Updates 23/1/2016

Yayasan Nanyang Press has been informed by Baby Lee Jin Yi’s father that somebody has misused his name to raise funds by changing the fund raising account number to his own personal account number.

According to Mr. Lee, he has ONLY nominated Yayasan Nanyang Press to raise funds for Baby Lee Jin Yi. He did not collect any fund personally and does not hold any account with CIMB Bank. He also doesn’t know the person named SOO KEE LO.

Please be aware and for all donations to Baby Lee Jin Yi, kindly bank in to Yayasan Nanyang Press.

Thank you.


《南洋报业基金》接获李晋毅的父亲通知,有人盗用他的名字,换上自己的私人户口筹款。他说,他并没有私底下筹款,也没有CIMB的银行户口,更不认识 SOO KEE LO。


Updates 11/1/2016

We hereby declare that Yayasan Nanyang Press has never authorised any other organisation to collect public funds on behalf of Yayasan Nanyang Press (YNP).

Updates 7/1/2016

患上先天性下肢畸形症(Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly) 的李晋毅,急需21万美元(约马币91万令吉)的医药费,进行膝盖骨矫正手术,让他有机会像正常人一般的站起来和行走。

《南洋报业基金》至今已筹获RM 155,724.00令吉,加上《马星基金》於1月6日捐出的 RM 50,000.00,共有RM 205,724.00。

目前,李晋毅尚需RM 704,276.00的义款,才能赴美国进行手术。


Updates 9/12/2015

甫1岁的李晋毅患有先天性下肢畸形症(Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly),我国医生皆劝以截肢治疗,但其父母唯一的希望是送到美国治疗,让他能像常人一样能站立和步行。




1 year old baby boy Lee Jin Yi is suffering from Type II Left Fibular Hemimelia with Polydactyly. He has left complete tibia hemimelia with a total absence of the tibia, and right partial hemimelia. Besides that, both of his feet were also deformed.

The doctors in Malaysia were not able to reconstruct his left lower limb deformity due to severity of the condition. They advised the parents to consider through knee amputation for the left lower limb and to put on prosthesis.

Now, Jin Yi’s parents found a hospital in United States that can help him through the reconstruction surgery. The surgery will be divided into 3 stages and it costs about USD 210,000 (estimated RM 910,000).

Due to the medical expenses is too huge, they sincerely hope for public donations to help Jin Yi.


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