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Name 姓名: Yap Chin Hock 叶进福
Age 年龄: 13 Condition 病情: 13岁的中学生被诊断患上淋巴癌第三期,除了被逼休学到医院接受化疗,丧失单纯快乐的校园生活,家境清寒的双亲也为孩子生活费及治疗费而发愁。 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List |
Updates 18/5/2016
Yap Chin Hock is suffering from Stage 3B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The doctor planned to perform the Autologous Stem Cell Transplant on 15th May. But he experienced a drop in his blood platelet count and is not suitable to start the chemotherapy now. Thus, the doctor will postpone the date of his treatment until his platelet level goes back to normal. The total cost for this treatment is RM 48,000.00. As he still needs to stay in the hospital for further treatment, your kind support and donation is very much appreciated.
患上第三期淋巴癌的叶进福,原定于5月15日开始进行大剂量化疗序贯自体造血干细胞移植 (Autologous Stem Cell Transplant)。但由于他的血小板降到很低,暂时不适合进行化疗。目前,院方已安排他入住医院, 一旦他的血小板回升到正常水平, 便会开始为他进行6次的化疗和移植手术。这项手术费需RM 48,000.00,盼善心人士踊跃捐助医药费。
Updates 11/5/2016
Yap Chin Hock is suffering from Stage 3B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Unfortunately, he relapsed on Dec 2015. The doctor is planning to proceed with Autologous Stem Cell Transplant on 15th May as part of his relapsed treatment. However, the total cost involved for this treatment is RM 48,000. As he still needs to stay in the hospital for further treatment, we hope for your kind support and donation to help him in this difficult period.
患上第三期淋巴癌的叶进福,於去年12月确诊癌症复发。医生已确定於5月15日为他进行大剂量化疗序贯自体造血干细胞移植 (Autologous Stem Cell Transplant)。这项手术费需RM 48,000。由于他在手术后,仍需住院治疗,因此,盼社会善心人士踊跃捐助医药费。
Updates 21/4/2016
Yap Chin Hock has been suffering from Stage 3B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma since April 2015. Unfortunately, he relapsed 3 months later in Dec 2015. Now, the doctor is planning to proceed with Autologous Stem Cell Transplant (ASCT) as part of his relapsed treatment in 1st week of May 2016. The total cost involved is RM 48,000. However, the funds collected for him is now depleting. Thus, we hope for your kind support and donation to help him in this difficult period.
来自吉隆坡的叶进福最近因淋巴癌复发,急需 RM 48,000的手术费,於5月的第一个星期进行大剂量化疗序贯自体造血干细胞移植(Autologous Stem Cell Transplant)。 盼社会善心人士踊跃捐助医药费。
Updates 8/12/2015
Yap Chin Hock has been diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer early this year and had undergone chemotherapy since he received financial assistance from Yayasan Nanyang Press. His health condition turned better after completing the chemotherapy. Unfortunately, his family members are mournful again as he had been diagnosed with the recurrence of cancer recently.
According to Yap’s mother, Chin Hock was admitted to hospital today and will be undergoing an operation tomorrow morning. The family members hope for the success of his operation and his recovery soon.
Yap Chin Hock is from a lower income family. Yayasan Nanyang Press started to raise funds for them since beginning of the year and has collected total funds of RM57,000 up to date. Yayasan Nanyang Press began giving RM1000 monthly as medical aid and living expenses to them in June 2015.
Updates 06/07/2015
Yayasan Nanyang Press visited Yap Chin Hock in HUKM on 6 July 2015. He is currently very weak after having gone for chemotherapy. He has to stay in the hospital, under observation for at least three days after every chemotherapy session.
According to Chin Hock’s mother, his condition is getting better. However, as they are facing financial difficulties, she hopes donations from the public will help to pay for the medical expenses and get them through this tough situation. She also wishes that Chin Hock could live a normal life like other kids one day.
Updates 29/04/2015
- 28 October 2018, 14:31
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