Newscut Name 姓名: Louise Yong Loong Er 杨珑儿
Age 年龄: 16 months old 16个月大
Condition 病情: Baby Louise Yong Loong Er is suffering from a rare liver disease and urgently needs to undergo a liver transplant but her parents cannot afford the RM1,500,000-odd operation cost. 杨珑儿出生4个月后就 被诊断患上“先天性胆管阻塞症”(Biliary Atresia),患上此病后,导致她无 法吸收营养,而身体瘦小,更甚的是,其肝脏日益肿大,把小小的肚皮撑大,肚脐因此而外露.目前急需 150万令吉前往新加坡进行换肝手术。

Article: Nanyang Siang Pau
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