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Name 姓名: Kayden Choo 朱家宝
Age 年龄: 1 Condition 病情: Baby Kayden has been diagnosed with Infantile Osteopetrosis since he was three months old. Now he urgently needs RM400K to undergo a bone marrow transplantation to save his life. 一名1岁小男婴于去年被发现患有婴儿型骨质石化 症 (Infantile Osteopetrosis), 急需40万令吉来进行骨髓移植手术,否则将会面对 眼盲耳聋,甚至是死亡的威胁。 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List – How to Donate |
11個月大的朱家寳于去年4月甫出世,是父親朱偉倫(25歲,理髮師)及楊偉燕(26歲,家庭主婦)的第一個愛情結晶品,不料的是他在出世3個月后,因被發現血細胞過少,而被判定患有嬰兒型骨質石化症,目前需長期在 馬大醫院接受治療。
嬰兒型骨質石化症 (infantile osteopetrosis),病患通常於出生后不久即發病,一般是經由血液檢查異常來表現,例如:貧血、血小板低下、顆粒性細胞過少等症狀出現。且會因為神經的壓迫會造成病患視力障礙及聽障等情形;其他的病徵還包括骨折及感染等。屬於染色體隱性遺傳,多於十年內死亡。
無奈的是,目前小家寳母親已懷孕7個月,因此已停工待產,而父親則為一名月入不到1500令吉的理髮師,兩人的經濟狀況十分不佳,根本沒有 辦法支付高達至少40万令吉的手術費。
Updates 24/4/2016
Kayden Choo had been discharged from the hospital last night. According to his father, his condition is a little more stable now. Although he is still unable to see clearly, he shows some response to sound. He is required to go to hospital 3 times a week for blood transfusion and medical check-up.
Updates 13/4/2016
Kayden Choo’s condition is unstable now. He is currently having vision and hearing
impairment. Let us continue to pray for him!
患上婴儿型骨质石化症(Infantile Osteopetrosis)的朱家宝,近日病情不稳定。他的父亲朱伟伦说,
Updates 8/4/2016
Kayden Choo is admitted to hospital again on 7th April due to virus infection. Let us pray for his speedy recovery!
患上婴儿型骨质石化症(Infantile Osteopetrosis)的朱家宝,因胸口导管处受细菌感染,导致他身体出现发烧、眼睛红肿、呼吸不顺和头部充血等症状。
Updates 30/10/2015
The doctor confirmed that the second lot of bone marrow cells has also not grown/engrafted. Kayden Choo is stable now but cannot leave the hospital because the present condition is “aplastic”, meaning he has no healthy bone marrow cells growing to support life. So every few days he will need platelet transfusion or blood transfusions.
The doctor is trying to search for another bone marrow donor for him urgently to allow him to try another transplant.
Up to now, his hospital bill is RM 246,399.00, Yayasan Nanyang Press hopes that the public will continue to support his medical expenses.
截至目前,他的医药费已累积至RM 246,399.00,随着接下来的治疗,预料他会需要筹更多的医药费。
Updates 18/10/2015
Kayden Choo received the second lot of stem cells after some preparative drugs were given. He will need another 2 to 3 weeks to see if there is any response. Meanwhile his liver problems have improved and he has used up to 8 or 9days of defibrotide. The doctor is holding another 11 bottles for him because there is possibility the liver problem will recur.
Updates 3/10/2015
On 29th Sept 2015, Kayden Choo received the second lot of stem cells after some preparative drugs were given. So praying that this will work and start to grow. He will need another 2 to 3 weeks to see if there is any response. Meanwhile his liver problems have improved and he has used up to 8 or 9days of defibrotide. The doctor is holding another 11 bottles for him because there is possibility the liver problem will recur.
If this transplant fails again, the problem is very bad.
Updates 1/10/2015
He is not doing well. On 18th Sept (26 days after infusion of bone marrow stem cells) we tested and found that none of the new stem cells have grown and so it is a state of “Non-engraftment”. Meanwhile he has developed a complication called VOD (veno-occlusive disease) of the liver and the doctor has to use a drug called Defibrotide which is very expensive, which he has to borrow from other hospitals and quickly try to import some into his hospital. The cost of Defibrotide per day is RM2000/ roughly and he may need to use it for 2 to 3 weeks.
Meanwhile the doctor is hoping that the liver will improve. Once there is improvement in the liver, the doctor plans to give him a bit more drugs/conditioning and infuse the second lot of stem cells and hope that there is engraftment. Otherwise the overall outcome will be bad.
Updates 13/8/2015
Kayden was admitted to hospital yesterday to have his central venous catheter inserted. The actual date of bone marrow transplant is scheduled on 25th August. Doctors will start preparing his body by giving him chemotherapy from 17th August onwards. Hence he is expected to be hospitalised from today onwards for the next 2 to 3 months.
Updates 6/8/2015
Kayden Choo, a 1-year-old boy diagnosed with Infantile Osteopetrosis, will be admitted to hospital on 7 August 2015 for the insertion of his central venous line and then admission later for the proper transplant on 25th August 2015.
患上婴儿型骨质石化症 (Infantile Osteopetrosis)的朱家宝 (1岁) 将于8月7日入院进行手术植入中心静脉导管,并于8月25日进行骨髓移植手术。
Updates 15/4/2015
不幸患上婴儿型骨质石化 症 (Infantile Osteopetrosis)的朱家宝,目前正在吉隆坡马大医院接受观察。一般上,患上此症的孩子,体内都无法自行制造充足的血细胞,若未及时接受治疗,患者将会面对 眼盲耳聋,甚至是死亡的威胁。
- 3 November 2018, 14:53
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