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Topic: Looking at Family from School’s Perspective
Language: English
Organisers: Yayasan Nanyang Press and Agape Counselling Centre Malaysia
Sponsored by: Yayasan Nanyang Press
Date: 22nd – 24th November 2014
Target: School Teachers
The 6th Malaysia School Teachers’ Counselling Conference
On 10 April 2014, The Star reported that teenage crime is on the rise. According to state police chief Senior Deputy Comm Datuk Shukri Dahlan, Selangor recorded an overall 7% drop in crimes so far this year but it is seeing a 10% jump in teenage crime. A total of 165 teenagers, from ages 12 to 17, had been arrested between January and March 2014. Among them, 86 were apprehended for violent crimes including blackmail, snatch thefts and being a part of gangs and drug distribution syndicates. Most of them are school dropouts. Datuk Shukri claimed that the worrying trend is mirrored elsewhere in the country.
The statistic had pointed out a disturbing association between problems of families and schools. Family issues such as single-parenting, divorce, lack of care and bad discipline directly influence attitudes and behaviors of the teenage generation. Living in such family environment, the young person is often unmotivated for schooling. The matter is further complicated when he/she has to face school bullying and negative peer influence. Eventually, he/she becomes a dropout from school, or even worse, begins to commit crimes in the streets.
Education is likened to the process of nurturing a seed into a full grown tree, in the context of family and school environment. Teachers and parents are gardeners who are dedicated to bring about the vigorous and healthy growth of the student. They encourage students to live to the fullest; to develop their good potentials and best qualities; to learn to be caring and loving; and to provide them the moral guidance necessary for success in life. Hence, the current situation of our younger generation definitely deserves our serious concern.
Since 2009, Agape has been working closely with Yayasan Nanyang Press to upgrade the professionalism of school counsellors and teachers. The collaborative effort of the two organisations has helped to raise the public awareness about the important role of school counselling. Ultimately, it is their common vision to improve the quality of education of our country.
This year, the 6th Malaysia School Teachers Counselling Conference will be held from 22nd to 24th November 2014 at Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The theme of the conference is “Looking at Family from School’s Perspective”.
The conference will run four workshops concurrently, splitting all participants into their respective area of interests. The workshop conductors are lecturers with extensive practical experience in various specialised areas. They are Caroline Essame (British), Michael Durrant (Australia), Ema Genijovich (USA) and Dr. Rebecca Rialon Berry (USA).
Meanwhile, the keynote speaker will be Prof. Dato Dr. See Ching May, a professor at the University Sains Malaysia. Dr. Ng Wai Sheng, a clinical psychologist and a Board Member of Malaysian Care, will be the speaker of a special topic seminar.
第六届马来西亚学校教师辅导研讨会 “从校园看家园”
近来发生在校园内的问 题:学生疑因功课压力走上不归路、学生因涉殴斗之校园暴力事件被警方传召,亲友 包围警局等新闻刊登。这一切不愉快的事件发生,怎不令人为之担忧,并有切肤之痛感。况且这对于校园的每一人来说,或多或少都会造成身心伤害。
为此,过去4年来博爱与南洋基金先后联办了4届马来西亚学校教师辅导研讨 会,重点都放在探讨及了解校园危机、学生偏差行为等背后的情绪处理、转化。反观今年研讨会的焦点将专注于家庭关系上。
因常有这机会与学校教 师们作心声交流,听到的就是:唉!学生愈来愈难教了……,对教学甚感心疲力尽,心力交 瘁……因为,学生有个失功能的家庭……。
然而,另一边厢也常接 听到父母在电话中,谈到自己孩子在学习与行为表现上,也同样的是感到烦恼、无助、并深感到父母难为。从中也不难发现家中孩子或许因累积了 许多不能磨灭的情绪伤害以及承受不了精神压力,再加上在家想要什么,父母就会给什么,真所谓有求必应。又或喜欢做什么就做什么,父母不单 不能反对并且都得要同意、接纳。结果,造成孩子失去了正确的价值判断能力,其受挫力也变得很低。为此,社会给予年轻人冠上“草莓一族”。
有这么一句话说: “家庭是所有教育的出发点”,每个孩子都在在地反映出一个 家庭的特质。问题的发生显现出真如所言“种因于家庭,显现在学校、恶化 于社会”。
因此,以“从校园看家园”为主题的第五届马来西亚学校教 师辅导研讨会即将启动。
最后,让我们共同携手 努力为创造一个更健康的家园与校园而努力
- 4 July 2014, 20:44
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