Name 姓名: Chu Chee Keong 周志強
Age 年龄: 36 Condition 病情: Mr Chu’s father passed away when he was a child. His mother had been looking after him and his mentally-disabled sister for the past 20 years. A year ago, his mother fell in the toilet and hit her head accidentally. Mr Chu’s mother had to undergo brain surgery twice but was not cured. His mother is now paralysed and bedridden. Due to this, Mr Chu resigned from his previous job to take on a job with lower salary, so that he can be nearer to his house to take care of his mother. As he now has two patients in his house, his salary is unable to support the family’s expenses. Mr Chu requests financial support from the public. 父親在志強小時候就已經離世,獨靠母親力撐起這個家,才能讓他健康成長。不料母親在一年前浴室失足率倒,導致腦部中風,動了兩次手術,至今仍全身癱 瘓臥病在床,需要長時間的照顧。由於姊姊先天性智障無力顧母,為了母親,志強辭去貨運工改行當修機車學徒,領低薪資只為了可以在午休時段反家照顧 母親。家中有兩個病人,獨立苦撐的志強希望社會大眾可以助他一臂之力,讓他不必再向老闆支糧度日。 Links: – Donor List |
- 4 April 2014, 21:40
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