Name 姓名: Ang Siew Tien 洪秀珍
Age 年龄: 61 Condition 病情: Since 2005, Ang has been suffering from kidney disease and receiving treatments. Last June, due to feet pain, Ang accidentally fell in the toilet and broke her legs, and had to be hospitalised for four months. In view of Ang’s small household income and rising dialysis costs, Yayasan Nanyang Press wishes to raise funds to solve Ang’s family’s financial problems. 2005年患上腎病的洪秀珍於去年6月因雙腳疼痛,不慎在廁所跌倒、跌斷雙腿住院4個月。一家六口主要經濟收入介靠小女兒與每月領取的社險來補貼一 家的開銷,但洗腎的費用等卻逐年增漲,造成本已經入不敷出的一家再次陷入經濟危機,洪秀珍祈求社會人士能夠慷慨解囊捐助他們一家的生活費,以減輕 子女的負擔。 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List |
- 4 April 2014, 21:38
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