Name 姓名: Leong Hoong Choy 梁鸿財
Age 年龄: 52 Condition 病情: Leong and his brother are mental problem patients, and still rely on their 87-year-old mother. Due to Leong’s mental problem, he is unable to find a job to solve his financial problem. Yayasan Nanyang Press hopes to raise funds to solve Leong’s family’s financial problems. 87岁老母亲无法安享晚年,带着两名精神病患儿,日日三餐不继过活,盼热心人士给予经济援助。申请者梁鸿財知道家里的状况,也希望可以靠自己双手过活,希望大众可以不因他的状况给于他一个回到社会轨道的机会。 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List |
- 14 March 2014, 22:25
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