Name 姓名: Lim Soo Kim 林素琴
Age 年龄: 65 Condition 病情: 30 years ago, Ms Lim’s husband was admitted into a mental hospital because of his mental problems. Now her 30-year-old daughter needs long-term treatment at a hospital. She also has mental problems and is unable to work. Ms Lim now stays at a family relative’s house, who works as a school bus driver and needs to feed his family as well. Yayasan Nanyang Press will raise funds to solve Ms Lim’s financial problems. 30年前丈夫因精神病犯事而被送进精神病院;30岁的女儿目前也在医院接受定期精神治疗,林素琴本身也有精神问题无法工作,在无依无靠的状况下只好投靠亲戚林回明,但林先生只是一个学巴司机,收入有限也需养家,并希望南洋商报的读者可以给予帮助。 Links: – Article: Nanyang Siang Pau – Donor List |
- 14 March 2014, 22:25
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