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16 Navigators 【16导航】Links: Introduction 介绍 | News and Events 新闻/活动 | Martell Charity Dinner 一百场美德晚宴 | Visit with Compassion 南洋报业基金【16导航温馨探访】 | Ambassadors 美德大使 | Characters, Articles & Comics 美德运动 | Theme Song & Lyrics 主题曲 | T-shirts 美德概念T恤 | How to join 如何参加 100 场妈爹蓝带盛颂百年慈善晚宴 | 南洋报业基金【16导航温馨探访】
In 2012, with the support of ASTRO, Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press, Yayasan Nanyang Press is embarking on a series of fundraising activities in line with the virtues that make up the 【16 Navigators】. With cooperation from Pernod Ricard Malaysia, the Foundation is organising 100 fundraising dinners (100 Martell Charity Dinners) to raise funds for our medical aid patients. The target is to achieve a total collection of RM 1 million. This target was achieved after organising the 25th fundraising dinner. Each of the 16 virtues of the 【16 Navigators】(humility, patience, contentment, delight, kindness, honesty, generosity, thoughtful speech, respect, forgiveness, gratitude, loyalty, aspiration, principles, service, courage) is being used as themes for the individual dinners. To enable the Foundation to perform its functions fully and help the less fortunate efficiently, the 【16 Navigators Visit With Compassion】 was set up on 27th March 2012 to visit medical patients around West Malaysia monthly. On the last Sunday of every month, the Foundation will visit poor families to spread the spirit of giving and sharing. 【5心车队】 of China Press, 【本地圈】 of Astro and 【牛头牌特工队】of Buffalo had expressed great interest in participating in this project as partners. Besides helping the selected needy to repair and clean their houses, the Foundation also organises morality workshops for the villagers, provides food to the needy and offers free counselling by qualified counselors to the public. This project received great support from the public and companies such as Jusper, Julie’s, Super, and Baobei Reading Wanderland. Now we have more than 150 volunteers participate in every visitation. We are proud to announce that more than 40 teenagers from orphanages had registered as volunteers of 【16 Navigators】. Articles and comics of the stories that are related to the 16 virtues have been published on Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press every Sunday since March 2012. Pelajar Bulanan also published the same articles and comics in its monthly magazines. To create further awareness and encourage the younger generation to participate in more charitable activities, the Foundation invited 16 celebrities to be the ambassadors of the 16 virtues. Programmes for teenagers are targeted at the disadvantaged and wayward youths, focussing on team building, self-reliant and experiential learning facilitated by experienced trainers. It is hoped that through activities like story-telling, self-expression and reflection, the youths will discover the different values in life. Since August 2012, several channels in ASTRO have been screening the short clips of the 16 ambassadors daily. The ambassadors will introduce the 16 different virtues to the public through the short clips. The clips will be shown until end June 2013. Apart from that, MY FM is also one of our main partners for 【16 Navigators】. Every month, MY FM will interview one of the ambassadors. The interview is broadcasted every last Friday of the month at 9am. The ambassadors will introduce the virtues and activities of 【16 Navigators】to the listeners. The contents of the interview will also be published on China Press and Nanyang Siang Pau on the last Sunday of the month (two days after the interview broadcast on MY FM). 贫穷家庭的衣食住行和医药援助是当下最需要帮助的。事实证明无数的读者们都愿意雪中送炭,慷慨解囊。可是从长远来看,也不能忽略精神上的支持,因为那也是给他们带来美好生活的必要元素。不然的话,当大众还没来得及施以援手,不幸人士可能因一时想不开而选择了不归路、患上忧郁症、或精神失常等。除此之外,不少科学家证明了保持正面的心境,也是康复的重要条件。 在2012年,南洋报业基金获得ASTRO、南洋商报以及中国报的鼎力支持,成功举办了一系列《16导航》慈善活动。除此之外,南洋报业基金和保乐力加有限公司也将联办100场“妈爹蓝带盛颂百年慈善晚宴”,筹款目标是100万令吉,而且在第二十五场晚宴的时候就提早达标了。每一场晚宴都会以不同的美德作为主题(谦逊,耐心,知足,喜悦,慈爱,真诚,慷慨,正语,尊敬,宽恕,感激,忠诚,志趣,原则,贡献,勇气), 所有的善款将会用于帮助不幸人士。 从2012年的8月开始,《16导航》每位大使的美德宣传片将会轮流在ASTRO的几个频道播出,大使们精简地跟观众介绍自己所代表的美德,而美德视频会一直轮播到明天6月。除此之外,MY FM也是南洋报业基金《16导航》的主要合作伙伴之一,每个月将会专访一位大使,于每个月的最后一个星期五播出,文字报导也将会于接着的那个星期日在南洋商报和中国报刊登。 为了要更有效的帮助不幸人士,南洋报业基金在今年3月27日启动了《16导航》温馨探访活动,在每个月的最后一个星期日,南洋报业基金《16导航》会带着义工们去探访贫苦家庭或病者。中国报《5心车队》,《ASTRO本地圈车队》,以及《牛头牌特工队》也纷纷加入活动成为我们的合作伙伴,一起为有需要的人献爱心。除了帮受惠家庭修补家园,我们也会在户外进行美德活动,提供免费午餐和专业的心灵辅导给居民们。这个活动也获得多个单位的支持如:嘉玉贸易有限公司、Julie’s、Super、宝贝阅读乐园。如今,我们已经有超过150位义工加入《16导航》志愿队参与每一次的探访活动,更庆幸的是,有逾40位青年孤儿报名成为我们的志愿者。 自2012年3月开始,每个星期日会在南洋商报和中国报刊登《16导航》美德漫画和文章。另外,这些漫画和文章也会于每个月刊登在少年月刊。 为了可以更有效地推动社会年轻人积极投入慈善活动,南洋报业基金特别邀请了十六位本地著名艺人担任《16导航》的美德大使。该方案的重点是团体建设,自力更生和实习经验,希望通过扮演练习,讲故事,反思和自我表达的活动,让他们可以发掘像谦逊,友善,尊重等生命的价值。 16 Navigators – Virtues 16导航志愿队The 16 Navigators (formerly known as the 16 Confluences) are guiding principles and tools that can help improve one’s way of life. They are simple and beneficial principles that teach us the good manners and positive traits that we should practise in order to create and maintain a blessed and purposeful life. These principles also help us pursue more meaningful relationships with others. 建立此方案以帮助弱势群体和任性青年。该方案的重点是团体建设,自力更生和实习经验。团体建设是由经验丰富的教练协助。同时也通过扮演练习,讲故事,反思和自我表达的活动。我们可以发掘他们的人生价值观,例如谦虚,谨慎,友善,尊重等。
YAYASAN NANYANG PRESS [16 NAVIGATORS] MAIN PARTNERSSUPPORTED BYEvents 活动Ukulele Classes for People with Autism [16 Navigators: Aspiration] 星儿乌克丽丽班《16导航:志趣》Links: Introduction 简介 | Volunteer Training 志工练习时段 | Schedule 星儿上课时段 | Application Form 报名表格 | Join as Volunteers 加入成为志工老师 Painting Classes for People with Autism [16 Navigators: Aspiration] 星儿绘画班 《16导航:志趣》Links: Introduction 简介 | The Teacher 老师简介 | Schedule 时间表 | Application Form 申请表格 | Volunteers 欲加入志愿队 Web Gallery for the Stars 星儿网络画廊Links: Introduction | Gallery – Andrew 刘嘉杰 | Gallery – Ashley 王紫微 | Gallery – Damien Wong 王学莹 | Gallery – Dennis Liew 廖启文 | Gallery – Ng Zhi Wan 黄之婉 | Gallery – Tan Seng Kit 陈升杰 | News 新闻 Yayasan Nanyang Press [16 Navigators Virtuous Trip] 南洋报业基金[16导航美德之旅], 18-19 October 2014Links: Introduction | Program Planning Mash Show 2014 大马许冠杰歌唱喜剧中秋晚宴, 6 September 2014Links: Information 简介 | Reservation 预购餐席 | Poster 宣传海报 16 Navigators Christmas Gathering 2013 16導航聖誕溫馨聚會, 20 December 2013Links: Information 活动资讯 | Registration of Volunteers 志工报名 Yayasan Nanyang Press [16 Navigators Virtuous Trip] 南洋报业基金[16导航美德之旅], 7-8 September 2013Links: Introduction | Program Planning | Registration and Fees Rainbow in My Heart Art Competition 2013 for Special Needs Children and Adults 2013年[心里的彩虹]特殊小孩与成人绘画比赛, July-August 2013Links: Introduction 活动详情 | Registration Form (Web) 报名表格|Registration Form – state level (PDF) | Contacts 联络 | Photos of RainBow Art Competition 2012 去年的绘画比赛 | National Poster | Flyer – state level | News 新闻 A Talk on Autism: Understanding Autism and Its Treatment 自闭症醒觉讲座会: 了解自闭症及其治疗方式, 14 April 2013Links: Introduction | Registration Form | Poster | News 新闻 #1 | News 新闻 #2